Page 139 of If You Say So
Luca’s eyes flicked to Brent and then back to me.
His brows rose questioningly.
“This is Brent,” I finally said. “Brent Cromwell, meet my fiancé, Luca Maldonado.”
“Luca?” I heard said from behind me. “I thought his name was Riel?”
I sighed, not sure I wanted to explain this all over again. And I especially didn’t want to explain it to them of all people.
They’d made the last six months fairly miserable.
If it hadn’t been for Brent coming in and getting fixed up by Dr. Cromwell, then I wouldn’t have
been put into the position I’d been put in. Nor would I have had to face my teacher every day from
that point forward with a guilty conscience.
Each time I looked at him, I swore he knew exactly what I’d done.
Then the incident where Luca had told me about my neighbor being questioned, and him getting
shot, bit.
Sure, they’d said that the entire thing had been ‘solved’ due to a kid admitting to the murder.
However, I’d still gotten a really icky feeling in the pit of my stomach that they were still somehow involved in it all.
“Name’s Luca,” Luca said as he picked up a baitfish that’d fallen out of the net and missed going
into the bucket. It’d been flopping around on the sand, hoping to make it back into the ocean.
He hadn’t made it, and I almost felt sorry for the little bugger.
Dr. Cromwell didn’t say anything to Luca’s abrupt tone, nor did he leave.
I didn’t know what to do, but my man sure did.
“We’re going to fish,” Luca said, surprising me. “You’re more than welcome to come.”
Dr. Cromwell looked as if he was about to say no, but Brent beat him to replying and accepted for
them both.
“Sure!” Brent grinned, his smile creepy and uncomfortable.
I groaned inwardly, shooting Luca an annoyed look.
His lips twitched as he picked up the bucket. “We’re going down to the piers. A man I met a few
days ago said there was some fairly good fishing there.”
“Sounds like fun,” Brent clapped.
The loud sound made me flinch and shrink closer into Luca.
Luca caught me around the waist with his free hand and ‘helped’ me down the length of the beach.
I smiled at his possessive move but didn’t pull away, loving that he was claiming me in front of a