Page 145 of If You Say So
“Don’t worry.” I patted his chest. “You were never with her like that. And me and Katy are okay.”
I paused thoughtfully. “She was really considerate and supportive when you went missing. I wouldn’t say that we were best friends by any means, but she went out of her way to always check on me. She
was very sad that you were no longer here.”
He grunted something unintelligible.
Then went back to reading the letter aloud.
When Brandon died, I had this weird sort of urgency to take care of a few things. Every other
thing I went into detail about in the other letter. This one is solely for the purpose of telling youone other thing.
I want you to have my baby.
Even if I happen to be gone.
I know you. I know that, even if I tell you to move on, that you won’t. And you’re young.
Which is why I’ve had some of my, errrm, stuff, frozen at a sperm bank in Longview. I wrote
everything that I needed to in this letter at the bottom of the page. They have your name on file.
You alone are able to access it.
If you ever get to a point, and I’m gone, that you want a child, I’m hoping that you’ll allow myname to live on.
A sob caught in my throat as Luca continued to read.
I love you, Francesca.
Luca’s deep voice finally went silent.
I didn’t know what to say.
I knew what I was feeling, though.
Completely and one hundred percent overwhelmed.
And thankful.
Because having Luca’s baby wasn’t lost to me after all.
I’d told myself that it didn’t matter over the time that I’d known I wouldn’t ever have that option for me—and having it confirmed after learning that Luca had sustained considerable damage that had
altered his ability to have children.
But it had meant something to me.
And the thought of never seeing a blue-eyed baby with my hair color and Luca’s eyes? That had
broken my heart.
But to know that I now had that option?
That was so huge.
“We can have kids.”