Page 147 of If You Say So
I’d also need to figure out my living situation, make sure to pay back all of the money that I’d been using off of Malachi’s accounts, and a few other important things where it came to my friend.
When that was done, I’d like to continue the job that I was doing.
I enjoyed it.
Lastly… I needed to stop being a bitch and make sure that I stopped living my life in the shadows.
I had nothing to be embarrassed about, and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t pull Frankie into
those shadows with me.
With my mind so occupied on what I needed to do and get done, I wasn’t paying attention to how
close I was to the house until the steps were almost directly in front of me.
Shaking my head at my scattered thoughts, I took the steps two at a time and made my way to the
bedroom where I took a quick shower.
It was as I was stepping into my underwear in the middle of the bedroom where Frankie was still
sleeping that I heard it.
A pounding, insistent knock.
Glass crashed and I went from curious to very alert in about three seconds flat.
Frankie was lifting her head groggily from the pillow when I stood up straight, gun in my hand,
and found myself facing six black-clad figures with their guns trained directly at me.
“Police, drop your weapon!”
I didn’t know what to do.
I had no allies here.
No friends. No nothing.
What I had was a damning murder, a terrified fiancée, and the possibility of actually seeing jail
I needed someone in my corner. In Frankie’s corner.
Chapter 19
When your day is going really well and you don’t trust it.
-The Fuckening
I went to sleep with the house empty, and my heart feeling ravaged.