Page 150 of If You Say So
I’d agreed.
And it’d been something that I’d said to the cops.
I mean, shit.
It could’ve been anyone!
Luca wasn’t the only scarred man in the world. Plus, they’d only seen ‘scars,’ they hadn’t seen
hair color, build, eye color. Or anything.
In fact, there’d been one on the boat that we’d ridden on… “Oh, holy shit.”
“What?” Gabe asked, his ears perking up.
“There was another scarred man that I saw on the boat we took a ride on,” I said. “When we were
going fishing down at the pier, we passed by his boat on the dock. Cromwell—the boy, not the adult
—caused a scene after Captain Mike tossed him into the water. He had thrown some trash into the
bay. The captain didn’t take kindly to that, and elder Cromwell lost his shit. Threatened to sue later that evening when he texted me for the captain’s name.”
Gabe was on the phone moments later, talking to Janie.
I rubbed at my eyes and realized that I really needed to pee.
It was a little after noon, as I was pacing back and forth with my dad watching me silently, that
Gabe came out the door that led into the kitchen.
“Do you remember treating Brent your first year as a resident?” Gabe asked bluntly.
I frowned. “Um, what?”
“Your first year as a med student, Brent Cromwell broke his arm playing soccer. He came into the
emergency room to have it set and you were one of the med students that helped treat him. You and the doctor that you worked with the first year,” he said. “It was a long time ago.”
I was shaking my head because I had no clue.
“Um, yeah,” I said. “I don’t know.”
“He was about twelve at the time,” Gabe continued. “On his chart, it was noted that you were
able to calm him down. Your name was mentioned specifically.”
I had no clue.
“I don’t remember,” I admitted. “I’m sorry.”
Gabe nodded. “It gets worse, though. He’s been stalking you on social media. Your profile is the
one he visits at least once a day on his computer.”