Page 160 of If You Say So
We’d been home for a week now.
Christmas was in the morning, and not only would Frankie and I be celebrating, but we’d be doing
it with Hayes, Malachi, my family and hers.
Cora and her dad had driven down the night before and were staying in my parents’ spare
Malachi had taken over the apartment that I’d rented for myself—and Hayes was staying with him.
I’d permanently moved into Frankie’s place the moment that we’d gotten home.
I hadn’t acquired much stuff, but my parents had saved all my shit—not that any of the clothes fit
Seems I’d grown a lot since I’d last worn some of the stuff.
But at least my belongings didn’t make me feel like I was somebody else like Malachi’s had.
“What did the department say today when you went and met with Luke Roberts and Captain
Morgan?” Frankie asked, her hand stilling on the icing bag that she was using to decorate cookies
“I start back to my old schedule on Monday,” I answered. “The departments had to go through
some legal tape with my name and the no schooling thing. But it’s been waived for the time being.
Luke suspects that I won’t have to do anything about it since I’ve already taken the refresher course with the department. We’re waiting to hear back from legal on that officially, though.”
She grinned and decorated another cookie.
I came up behind her and stole a cookie from the cooling rack.
“Hey!” she said. “That’s not fair!”
I popped it into my mouth, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re going to have to run an extra mile to get the cookie off your ass,” she teased.
Malachi came in then, stole a cookie, then walked straight back out.
We watched him go.
Frankie looked worried.
I was more considerate.
“You’re not at all worried about him?” she asked curiously.
I shrugged.
“Worried?” I hesitated. “Not really. More like…considering. I think he’s going to be fine. He and
Hayes will work it out.”