Page 164 of If You Say So
“You dirty little cheat!” she cried out.
I grinned.
“Francesca Solomon, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
She studied the ring, my face, and then the two officers that were now smiling wide.
“I hate you all,” she cried. Then threw herself into my arms.
I caught her with a grunt, nearly fell straight on my ass, and started to laugh.
“I can’t believe you stole my ring.” She pulled back and practically yanked it free of my hold.
That was when she started to cry.
Frankie’s dad, Cora, my parents, and almost all of our motorcycle division came out of the trees.
Cora had a phone aimed right at Frankie who was crying her eyes out and not answering my
“Answer him already, kid!” Coke bellowed.
Frankie turned, saw all the people there, and then started crying harder.
“I thought about straight-up asking you when you wanted to get married,” I said to her silence. “I
thought… maybe we can just leave where we left off.” I swallowed hard, staring into her tear-filled eyes. “But I didn’t think that was right. How could I leave where we left off when I couldn’t
remember where we started?”
Frankie sniffled hard.
“I can’t remember our very first kiss. I can’t remember our first time to touch….” I stopped mid-
sentence and looked over Frankie’s shoulder to see Coke glaring at me. I grinned. “I won’t finish that sentence because your dad’s giving me the evil eye.” I winked at her. “I can’t remember our first
anniversary. Or when we first said ‘I love you.’” I reached for her hand and pulled her closer to me.
“But I can remember the first time the new me remembers. You were so patient with me. Allowing me
to bumble around in this new and uncertain world. And, when I got lost, you didn’t try to lead me
down the correct path. Only leaped off the edge with me, hoping that it would lead somewhere we
wanted it to go.”
Frankie swallowed hard.
“You’ve been with me through thick and thin. You’ve watched over me. Taken care of me. Loved
the old me. The new me. You’ve loved me even when I didn’t deserve to be loved,” I said. “And now
I know that you’re there, for better or for worse. For the old me and the new me.”
She sniffed.
“Frankie, will you please marry me?” I whispered.