Page 173 of If You Say So
“We won’t,” she promised. “We have some great parents to lean on in case we lose our way.”
That we did.
Not only had they helped after everything had gone down in Florida, but they’d been there every
step of the way since.
And I couldn’t ask for better grandparents—though it was really fucking weird that my sister was
kind of a grandma—for my new little Isabelle.
“We’re lucky, baby,” I rasped.
She pressed a kiss to the baby’s cheek that was only inches away from her face.
“We’re lucky,” she agreed.
“I’m glad that I can remember this,” I said. “I’m glad that, out of all the things I’ve forgotten, it wasn’t this. I don’t know that I could’ve done this without you.”
She laughed then.
“Well, technically, you needed a uterus to have…”
I pinched her ass, and she started to laugh.
Which then woke the baby up.
“Now look what you’ve done,” I said when Isabelle started to cry.
I looked at my two girls and knew that this was just the beginning.
I may have lost the first part of my life and memories, but I still had the second part.
And I knew that, somehow someway, everything would even out in the end.
“I love you, Frankie,” I said suddenly.
Frankie’s eyes were wide and smiling when she replied with, “Same for you, Luca. With all my
I handed her the now really pissed off baby, then watched avidly as she fed.
When she was done, I took her back, and didn’t let either of my girls go until I was forced to
hours later when they came to get her for a bath.
“Go with her,” Frankie urged. “Make sure nobody steals her.”
I looked at my wife and said, “I’ll protect her with my life.”
I watched as my son watched his girl through the nursery glass window.
“Jesus,” I said. “This is unreal.”