Page 178 of If You Say So
I would’ve made my way straight the hell outside, but just as I was heading out, three of my other
co-workers made their way inside and headed straight for me.
“Ohhh!” Macy cried. “You’re here! I’m so happy to see you!”
Macy was the cutest little thing I’d ever seen.
She was small, curvy, and wonderful.
I loved her and she was honestly the saddest thing about leaving this old job behind.
Shondra made my life a living hell, as did Shondra’s best friend, Bridget, who just so happened to
side-step me and Macy and head straight to where Shondra and Theo were.
Tillie, Macy’s roommate, waved at me.
“Hi, Rowen,” Tillie said. “Congrats on passing the bar.”
I smiled then. The first genuine one since I’d walked into the bar and seen Theo.
“Thank you,” I said. “I’m so excited. I can’t believe I’m finally done.”
“You’re free!” Macy laughed. “Come on, let’s get you a drink. What are you having?”
I thought about what I did and didn’t want, and then decided to say, ‘fuck it’ and drink a margarita.
I wasn’t a big fan of alcohol to be honest, but every once in a while, I could choke down a single
After I was done with that, I’d switch over to pineapple juice and hope that nobody noticed.
I wasn’t the best drinker in the world.
With my inability to choke down alcohol and actually enjoy it and my disgust at seeing people go
too far when it came to consuming it, I just didn’t see the point.
After ordering and getting my margarita, I walked back to the booth, thankful to see that the girls had filed in, leaving me the outside.
Furthest, thankfully, from Shondra and Theo.
Theo and Shondra were talking quietly, and I tried my best to look anywhere but at them.
The only problem was they couldn’t see that my heart was slowly bleeding out right in front of
Trying to distract myself, I started texting my sister, Katy.
Rowen: Get this. Theo is sitting with me at a bar. Only problem is, he came with Shondra.
Katy messaged me back instantly.
Katy: what a bitch. And a dick. I hate them both.
I grinned.