Page 181 of If You Say So
The rest of the night went a little like the first half.
Shondra rolled her eyes a lot and monopolized Theo’s time. Theo kept glancing at me
The rest of the office ladies talked back and forth with each other.
And I texted back and forth with my sister until it was time to leave.
I would’ve snuck out completely, too, had Theo not walked out at some point behind me without
me knowing it.
I was almost to my car, keys in my hand, when Theo’s dark voice stopped me.
“You’re not going to say goodbye?”
I swallowed hard and tried not to get pissed.
Instead, I waved my phone in the air and said, “Sorry, gotta return a call from my sister. Have a
good one.”
With that, I bleeped the car unlocked, got in, and tried to slam the door.
Only Theo’s hand on the door’s metal frame stopped me.
I gritted my teeth and placed the call to Katy.
“You’re never going to guess where I have my hand right now!” Katy cried out excitedly.
Thank God I had her on speakerphone so she could hear.
“Have a good one, Theo,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Hello, Katy,” Theo said.
“Oh, who’s that?” Katy said. “Hey, did you guess where I had my hand yet, Row?”
I loved my sister. I loved her to death.
“Theo,” I answered.
I wasn't sure if I was saying ‘Theo’ to Katy or to Theo, but either way, it worked on both accounts.
Theo let go of my door and stepped back, a look of surprise on his face at my anger.
I finally closed and locked it, then started it before Katy said, “Are you ever going to guess?”
“In a dead person’s rectum,” I guessed.
Katy snorted. “No, silly. Down her throat!”
I rolled my eyes heavenward.
“Damn, Katy,” I said. “That’s morbid.”
Katy was a medical examiner. She’d graduated from school and had decided that dead people