Page 183 of If You Say So
I rolled my eyes.
“Yes,” I said. “I’m on a month by month lease at this point anyway. There’s nothing keeping me
here anymore.”
With Theo out of the picture, things were definitely much simpler when it came to staying in San
“Congrats on the bar,” she whispered. “I’m so proud of you Row.”
I felt my heart leap at her words.
My mom and dad had called earlier in the day to congratulate me, but having it come from my
smart as hell sister? That meant the world to me.
“Thanks,” I said.
We continued to talk while she gave me a play-by-play of what she was doing my entire drive
It was only as I was pulling into my apartment complex that I said goodbye.
“I have to go,” I said. “My hair needs washed in the worst way.”
Grabbing everything in the seat and shoving it into my large purse, I made my way up to my
apartment and barreled inside.
I grinned at the cat that met me at the door.
“Hey, Boz.”
“Bye,” Katy said. “I love you. Give Boz a kiss for me. See you this weekend.”
After replying with much the same words, I tossed the phone onto the couch and picked up my
Boz was a little bit of a thing. She was actually what they considered a miniature cat.
She looked like the dachshund of the kitty world. She had short little midget legs, and the full-
length body of a regular-sized cat.
She was the cutest thing I’d ever seen, and sadly she had some heart problems.
The good thing was she was young, and she had the will to live.
“Are you hungry, Boz?”
After feeding Boz, I stripped in the laundry room before eyeing all the things I would have to pack up before my sister arrived this weekend.
Honestly, I didn’t have much stuff.
I’d been living out of boxes as it was, not wanting to unpack for some reason.