Page 28 of If You Say So
“Is this it?” she asked, moving her gaze to the spots of black that was all over my lower back.
“Some road rash on the opposite side,” I finally admitted.
“You need to take the shirt off so I can see the area affected,” Frankie said, sounding professional.
I’d rather slit my own throat.
But, when Captain Morgan shot me a glare, I could do nothing else but what he asked.
I’d originally been intending not to go to the hospital at all. I was going to go home and pretend
like today never happened. Treat my wounds and go on about my business.
But then Captain Morgan had heard that I was hurt from Jonah, and he’d forced me to be seen.
According to company policy, I didn’t have a choice.
Liabilities, or some bullshit.
I pulled the uniform shirt off with quick jerks, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t see the state of my body and immediately become disgusted.
That was a naïve hope, though.
She’d take one look and I’d see the pity start to fill her eyes.
Alas, I did what I was asked to do and removed my shirt, Kevlar vest, and my undershirt.
When I was sitting there, topless and exposed, I could feel the weight of the stares on my body.
I didn’t flinch, though.
Instead, I stayed there, still as a statue, and let them all get their fill.
“Are we going to clean it up or what?” I snapped when the silence went on too long.
Captain Morgan looked away as if he’d been burned.
Frankie jumped as if I’d just electrocuted her.
“Oh, yes,” she said as she walked around the back of the gurney.
I knew the moment that she saw.
The jagged, torn and ruggedly healed flesh.
There were slashes. Shallow cuts. Indentations. Raised pieces. You name it, it was there.
Lucky that it was just the skin and fatty tissue affected. Your muscles and bones were not
affected in the least.
I fucking hated with a passion hearing that doctor say how fucking lucky I was.
“Road rash,” she said. “It’s not too bad. Gonna hurt tomorrow, though.”
I didn’t doubt it.
But it wouldn’t be worse than the pain on the rest of my body.