Page 47 of If You Say So
Meaning I actually had room for a criminal to ride in my car.
The uniform, however, was still the same.
Which sucked.
But, it was better than the alternative of not working—which was also a possibility.
There’d been some discussion on whether to keep us on but put us in patrol cars or allow us to
have the days off with pay since we weren’t able to ride.
The debate had been hairy.
According to the chief of police, we’d originally been planned to get into a cruiser and use those
instead of the bikes on the days that it rained. However, they were about four cruisers down thanks to a hit and run last week, and a police chase this week that resulted in engine failure in one cruiser, while another had suffered minor damage to its side and front thanks to the suspect trying to ram the cruiser in his haste to get away.
The last cruiser was at the paint place getting outfitted with the new KPD stickers.
Leaving me with one of three options.
A new vehicle that hadn’t been outfitted with all the necessary items, things that might be useful -
the bullhorn, the lights, and siren, or the computer. Or I take the chief’s vehicle.
The last option was to not go out at all.
I was all for option A or C.
Luke Roberts had chosen option B.
Which was how I ended up making an arrest in the chief’s personal cruiser and the guy bleeding
all over it.
Luckily, I was now officially on lunch break for an hour. It would give me time to clean up Luke’s
back seat and hopefully get all the blood out of it so it didn’t start stinking.
Unluckily, I first had to drop the little fucker off and wait for backup to arrive and take him off my hands.
Yao had arrived ten minutes ago and relieved me of my duty.
After a quick few words about the foot chase, I found myself heading toward the ER and Frankie.
I found her at the nurses’ station staring into space.
Her eyes, however, found me the moment that I stepped through the glass doors.
Her face lit with a large smile.
One that quickly fell off her face just as fast as it’d arrived.
I felt that hit like a shot right to the gut.
But instead of turning around and leaving like I knew I probably should do, I walked up to her and
stopped right where she was sitting, only across the counter.