Page 54 of If You Say So
Then she was disappearing inside.
“So, the kid that they suspected shot Brent Cromwell’s brother…” She started. “How did they
clear him?” She tilted her head. “What’s the kid’s name again?”
“They didn’t clear him.” I shrugged. “He’s still a suspect. Just has a fairly tight alibi,” I answered.
“And I don’t know his name. But the kid played on the football team with him. Was a kicker just like him. They were competing over the two spots. Caused a beef, according to the students that were
friends with both. The other kid is still defending his innocence in it all, however. At least from what I’ve heard.”
The toilet flushed in the room beyond us, and the now frazzled-looking nurse smiled tightly at us
as she left the break room.
“What was that about?” I asked.
She looked at the closed door and snorted.
“That’s Melly,” she said. “Dr. Cromwell’s side, side piece.”
I blinked. Slowly.
“His side, side piece,” she answered. “He’s married, you know. He’s also got another doctor he
sees that works at the other hospital in Longview. She’s one of the other possibilities I would’ve had to be under through my residency, FYI. I’ve heard she’s a lot cooler than Cromwell. Easier to work
with.” She scrunched up her nose. “Melly is the other, other woman.”
“How do you know all of this?” I asked. “Is he not discreet about it?”
She snorted.
“Dr. Cromwell,” she whispered, leaning in so that I could hear. “Is the Dr. McDreamy of Kilgore
I blinked. “I have no idea what that means.”
She started to giggle.
“Have you ever heard ofGrey’s Anatomy?” she questioned, leaning back in her chair and once again resuming her normal tone.
I shook my head.
“I don’t think I have,” I admitted. “Is it a movie?”
“No,” she said. “Grey’s Anatomyis a television show about a resident like me. She comes to
Seattle and begins her internship. The very first episode is her waking up next to a man and her telling him he has to go. She has to be at work. Fast forward an hour later, she’s getting to work only to find that the man she kicked out is a doctor at the hospital that she’ll be interning at. A very married doctor.”
I shook my head.
“Isn’t that exhausting?” I asked. “Jesus, I just don’t understand the point of cheating. It seems like it’s more trouble than it’s worth. All the lies. All the sneaking around. All the constant fear that you’ll be caught.”
She laughed. “That’s why some people do it, I suppose. But shit, I loveGrey’s Anatomy. At least until they killed Dr. McDreamy. I haven’t been able to watch it since then. They broke my heart,