Page 60 of If You Say So
according to Gabe and Ember—he hung up.
I looked at my phone that was now black, then looked back up at the flashing lights.
Then sighed.
My eyes once again went to my neighbors, and this time I didn’t stop the urge to stare.
I wanted what they had.
I wanted a family. I wanted a husband. I wanted to sit outside on my porch with my arms wrapped
around them, wondering what was going on across the street.
I wanted it all.
But, the problem was, I couldn’t have it all.
I had to start over.
Had to find someone to have it all with.
A sharp cough had me looking up just in time to see a reflective flash of yellow light up the night about five houses down.
When the reflection got closer and closer, I realized that the reflection was actually a running belt that was wrapped around Riel’s waist.
The closer he got, the sweatier I realized he was.
At first, I thought that his t-shirt was a dark, dark gray.
Only, it wasn’t dark gray. It was light gray.
The only reason I could tell that was because there was one single spot at the bottom of Riel’s t-
shirt that was untouched by his sweat.
“Hey,” I said, standing up. “You’re running?”
I wanted to smack myself in the face the moment those words came out of my mouth.
“Yeah.” He grinned. “I am.”
I shook my head at my words.
“How far did you go?” I asked curiously.
He shrugged. “I have no idea. I just run. An hour and a half or so. Sleep seems to be coming in
waves for me. When I can’t sleep, and it’s late enough, I just get up and run.”
His explanation made my heart hurt.
When Luca hadn’t been able to sleep, I’d stayed up with him and watched Netflix until I would
fall asleep again.
He’d never turn the show on himself.
But when I turned it on, he finally had the excuse he needed to watch it.