Page 65 of If You Say So
“I just… I feel like something should be there,” he said, tapping his head. “But it’s not. Like I
should remember something, but there’s nothing to remember. It’s the worst feeling ever.”
I could imagine.
And suddenly, I didn’t want him to go.
I wanted to see him smile.
“Ready to go for that run?”
Chapter 8
I survived another meeting that should’ve been an email.
-Frankie’s secret thoughts
“Riel, are you ever going to unpack?” I asked curiously, flipping open the first box that I found.
It was a box of clothes.
“I started to,” he admitted. “Got the first box unpacked, then felt like I was doing something
wrong. Like I was unpacking somebody else’s things.”
I could understand that.
“So, I stopped unpacking,” he confessed. “I’ve been buying the things I need as I need them. I
think, if in about six months I don’t unpack this shit, I’ll just donate it.”
I flipped open the next box that was open and came to a couple of picture frames.
The first picture frame had Malachi and his dog. I remembered when the picture was taken.
It’d been the day that Malachi had to drop off the dog to his parents for them to hold on to while
he was out of the country.
“Hey,” I suddenly blurted out, remembering something. “Where is Maxie?”
There was a loud thump from the bedroom area, then a sigh.
“Maxie,” Riel said, coming out of the room. “Was apparently given away to an animal shelter
when I was still missing at six months.”
I froze.
“You’re joking,” I said, sounding just as pissed as I felt.
He shook his head.
“I contacted them about the dog,” I said. “I didn’t remember the dog, but I knew that there was one just based on all the dog paraphernalia. I asked Gabe and Ember about it, and they told me about
where I could find Maxie.”