Page 85 of If You Say So
Luca who I’d prayed and prayed to come home. My Luca who had been tearing me up for weeks.
“Luca,” I breathed. “Riel… I don’t know what to call you anymore. Is it okay for me to call you
He thought about it long and hard. I could see the indecision written on his face.
“I feel like an imposter,” he finally settled on. “That’s why I couldn’t go with Malachi. I don’t
know who I am still, Frankie. I may be Luca, and for once the name actually doesn’t make me want to cringe… it does feel right. But… shit.”
“But shit is right.” I laughed weakly, tears springing to my eyes.
What he didn’t know was that I didn’t care what I had to call him. I had my man back.
Even if he was a little broken and needed to be put back together again.
“I’ll call you whatever you want,” I said finally. “Just as long as you know that you’re allowed to like me now. And I’m allowed to like you.”
He seemed to understand that all too well.
We’d been fighting a pull since the moment he came back to Kilgore.
One that had brought us into contact with each other, whether we wanted to be or not.
I should’ve known—allowed myself to believe—that this was my man.
But it was hard.
Everybody told me he was Malachi. And Malachi wasn’t mine.
I should’ve known when seeing ‘Malachi’ had invoked such intense feelings within me that he
wasn’t who he thought he was.
There was only ever one man that I’d been that intensely attracted to, and Luca was it.
“You can call me Luca,” he said finally, wiping away my tears.
I sniffled, unable to stop myself.
The tears just kept coming.
I was feeling such intense joy about the entire situation that my emotions were all over the place.
I was happy that he was here. Sad that we’d lost so much time. Horrified that his parents thought
he was still missing when he wasn’t. Upset that we now had to tell my dad, his parents, and Cora
when they weren’t together to offer support.
Shit, but there were just so many things going through my brain that I didn’t know where to begin.