Page 87 of If You Say So
Then there were no more words at all again because the sound of the helicopter blades above our
head started to spin.
Tim, who was apparently also a helicopter pilot, was flying us to the airport that was a five-
minute drive from Destin. From there, we were going to rent a vehicle and drive to the rental we’d be staying in for the next week.
And I was nervous.
Nervous as hell, honestly.
Because, the more time that I had to think about what had been uncovered today and yesterday, the
more nervous I became.
Because, now that I was thinking about it, I realized that Luca definitely wasn’t the same man that he used to be.
He didn’t act like him. He didn’t look like him. He didn’t even want to be him, I didn’t think.
Which meant… would he even want me?
Would he feel the same way for me that I felt for him? Or would I find myself caring for a man that would never care about me in return?
I was honestly terrified.
What if he didn’t want me?
What if he’d turned into this man that didn’t need me anymore? Didn’t need me like I needed him?
Needless to say, by the time we arrived at our destination, I was a freakin’ mess.
My stomach was roiling, my head was spinning, and I was about ten seconds from throwing up.
In fact, that was my main priority as I started to uselessly pull on my buckles and fastenings that were holding me in my seat.
At first, Luca didn’t realize that I was panicking.
He was too busy focusing on getting his own self unbuckled to notice my rising hysteria.
It was at the point that he was done, and when I’d only managed to tighten my buckles instead of
loosening them, that he finally looked up.
My rising anxiety level must’ve shown on my face because he leaned forward quickly and
unfastened me in five seconds.
I was out the door that Tim was pulling open and running full out on the pasture where we’d
landed before dropping to my knees and losing my lunch—what little of it I’d managed to eat after
learning Luca was really Luca—in the tall grass.
Just as I finally started to dry heave, I found myself being pulled into Luca’s arms.
Which was about the time that I started to cry.
Because… it felt right.