Page 43 of The Alpha's Mates
Looking around at the curious faces of his people, I wondered what might have been if Mom, Emma, and I had comehere and sought protection? His pack was suspicious, but not malicious. It was clear their leader was a happy and outgoing man. Two other men stood nearby and I knew, just by the way they were watching us, they were Jessu’s cadre mates. All three were handsome, though they didn’t hold a candle to my three. I wasn’t sure anyone could.
Jessu turned and announced, “These shifters are our guests! There will be a feast tomorrow evening to honor them!”
Cheers ripped through the air and suddenly people were smiling and talking together in excitement. His endorsement of us changed the mood of the village in such a manner that my mouth dropped open.
Jessu caught my shocked look and winked at me. “I’ve had to teach them to be wary. Most of my people are far too optimistic and giving.”
“This coming from the man opening his home to us,” I said with a wry smile.
His features sombered. “You’re doing something important. Something that will benefit us all. And that something can only be performed by you.” His eyes held mine and his words sent a chill down my spine.
“You know about-”
“Not tonight,” he said, cutting me off. “We’ll speak tomorrow before you speak to Celinda.”
“Who’s Celinda?” Atlas asked.
“Someone who can point you in the right direction,” Jessu replied in a cryptic manner. “This will be your hut for the duration of your stay. I hope you find it comfortable. Your companions’ is over there.” He pointed a few huts down.
“It’s much appreciated,” Soren told him. “Beats sleeping on the ground.”
The men shared smiles. “I have to admit, I miss those days,” Jessu replied. “As you know, it’s impossible to find enough timeto leave the village these days.” He shook his head again. “Have a good night. We’ll speak in the morning.”
I followed my mates inside the hut. There was one massive bed, a table and chairs, and a fireplace. It wasn’t spacious and with four large shifters inside, I resigned myself to constantly bumping up against my mates.
Silence fell over the space and I swallowed hard when I found my mates staring at me. Hunger flared to life in their eyes and it made me nervous. I wasn’t sure what I was doing. This was all new. Males who wanted me. Not just to fuck me, but to claim me as theirs for eternity. I was coming to grips with it. My body craved theirs. Every molecule of my being seemed to be tuned into them. Was this what it felt like when the Moon Goddess bestowed her blessing? It seemed to be.
"What are you thinking about?" Atlas asked, his eyes on mine, his voice soft.
I licked my lips, trying to find the words. "Just how different this is."
"Different from what?"
"My whole life, I've been told that there's something wrong with me," I explained. The way Calder bristled at my words made my heart drum a little harder in my chest. "You-"
"We want you exactly as you are," Soren told me, a hard edge to his tone. He wasn't angry with me, but at my family for telling me such things. "I won't take what isn't freely given, but that doesn't mean we won't try to convince you to be ours, Reese."
I shook my head. "I don't know if I can deny it any longer," I admitted in a small voice. They'd worn me down, though not in a bad way. Already my nipples were tightening under my shirt just from their eyes raking over my body. Was this how it felt for an omega when she went into heat? A complete inability to control her own body? I squeezed my thighs together, trying to relieve the ache between them.
"You're wet for us," Atlas said, his voice low and husky. I squeaked out a sound of embarrassment, then shot him a glare. He reached out and took my hand in his, tugging me closer. He chuckled at my reaction to his words. "There's no reason for you to be embarrassed with us, Baby Girl. I'd do damn near anything to feel you wrapped around me. To have you dripping all over my cock."
My mouth dropped open at the filthy words, unsure how I was supposed to respond to that. Thank you seemed a bit inadequate.
"We want you more than we've ever wanted anything," Calder told me, his eyes on mine as he stepped closer. "But we can wait until you're ready."
I shook my head, practically vibrating with need. Ready or not, this was what I needed. The hunger within me was clawing at my chest. I'd already pushed all of us to the limits by holding off for this long and the orgasm they’d given me seemed like a far too distant memory. The fact that I'd been able to deny us all for so long was a testament to my alpha nature. "I can't," I choked out.
Soren's eyes narrowed. "Then we wait."
"No," I cried, chest heaving as I tried to get the words out. They were watching me struggle, unable to help. It was like I'd waited so long and now that the time was here the dam had broken and I was drowning. "I can't...wait. It hurts."
"What hurts?" Atlas asked, concern in his voice.
"My body," I whimpered. "It's on fire."