Page 54 of Single Mom's Sparkle
“Forever,” Luke says. “We wanted to celebrate with you. Given your current condition, we figured you could use some great news.”
“The best news will come when my water breaks,” she giggles, “but this will have to do until then. I’m glad she’s getting what she deserves, though.”
“She deserves way worse for what happened to Marcus, but I’ll settle for what she got,” Luke says.
The conversation gradually flows into the future. Our plans for the life that we intend to build together, and the strategy we put in place to further develop Wolfhound Security.
“I understand you’re getting a new Director of Operations in?” Avery asks during dessert.
The feast so far has been exceptional, just like she advertised since she first glanced at the menu and long before the doors were even open to the public. But what makes me the happiest is the delight with which she has worked through the courses, enjoying every flavor and spice to the fullest. It’s been heaven for her senses, which is precisely where I want Avery tonight. In heaven by our side.
“Yeah, he’s starting next month,” Luke says. “I recruited him out of the DOD. Andrew Stanton. Brilliant guy. I can’t wait to work with him.”
“We met him when we were still in the Navy,” Fallon adds. “He was in the Marine Corps, but we briefly intersected during a couple of field missions off the Persian Gulf Coast. Solid guy. As solid as they come.”
“I’m glad you’ve got that position covered,” Avery says. “Marcus is a hard man to replace.”
“Speaking of positions in need of covering,” I interject, not wanting the vibe to dive into grief over our friend’s premature demise, “there’s one we haven’t discussed yet.”
“Oh?” she asks.
The guys and I get up from our seats, and I set the ring box on the table in front of her. We kneel in front of her at the same time, our hearts thumping in frantic unison. We’ve talked about this for days, and we couldn’t think of a better way to make Avery understand how serious we are where she’s concerned.
“My gosh,” she gasps, realizing what’s about to happen.
“We need a wife, Avery,” I say, my voice trembling slightly. “We need you as our wife.”
“Marry us, and we’ll spend the rest of our lives making you and our children happy,” Luke adds.
“We want to spend the rest of our days with you,” Fallon says.
“From the moment I met you, I knew you were special,” I tell her. “Different. You wear your soul’s scars with grace, you move forward, ever forward, like a river. You never linger. You’re always flowing, learning, growing. I’ve never met anyone like you, and these months we’ve had together tell me that what we have is truly special. Let’s make it special forever. Marry us, Avery, and you’ll make us the happiest men in the world.”
Avery’s eyes fill with crystalline tears as she nods slowly. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
It’s all we need to hear to slip that diamond ring on her finger and whisk her into our arms, showering her with kisses and sweet caresses until we practically melt into one another. She cries with joy, bliss rolling down her pink cheeks in twinkling stars. I’m overwhelmed and ecstatic, filled with so much happiness that my heart feels too big for my ribcage.
“I’ll marry you,” she says it again.
“Good,” I reply.
“But how is it going to work? I can’t marry all three of you,” Avery replies, and for a moment she seems genuinely worried.
It prompts a chuckle out of Fallon. “We agreed to let Kellan marry you legally,” he says. “On paper, you’ll be Mrs. Cassidy.”
“But in reality and particularly in the privacy of our mansion, you’ll be Mrs. Cassidy twice-over and Mrs. Hayden, too,” Luke says. “How does that sound?”
“It sounds fantastic,” Avery says, beaming like the sun. “It’s more than I ever imagined or wished for. I love you all so much.”
“I love you so much!”she cries out again, this time in our playroom as I fill her to the brim.
She’s on her knees, on the bed, naked and glowing in the moonlight as the engagement ring glistens on her finger. Luke and Fallon stand at the edge, facing her, as she takes them in her mouth one at a time, her lips stretching, her jaw loosening while she works each of them closer to the edge.
I lose myself inside my woman, inside our woman, feeling my cock pulsate and grow thicker, harder, in the velvety wetness of her perfect pussy. We’re careful given how far along she is, but we couldn’t resist a moment like this. We couldn’t resist claiming our future wife tonight, particularly after she had the courage to say yes.
“I love you,” Fallon whispers as she deep-throats him into sheer madness.
“I love you,” I groan as I feel myself unraveling, fucking her harder and deeper.