Page 37 of Knot Your Ex
“We’ll have it right out for you,” she promised, ushering us off to the side to wait. Jordan gave me a curious look as we waited, but I didn’t give him a second glance. Right now, my emotions were all over the place, and I had to get it together.
The more time I spent around them, the more out of control I felt. I’d had no choice but to give Theo and Jordan the chance to be around me.
Ellie was right. I was terrified, and knowing that they didn’t want me had allowed me to be less stressed.
At least now that I was getting used to them.
My omega was slowly leaning into their presence, breathing them in, wanting them. Part of me wondered if it was just because I simply couldn’t have them, or if they really did have an effect on me.
Even now, as Jordan handed me my cup and his fingers brushed against mine, his hand hovering over my lower back as he led me outside, I felt myself wanting to soak in the attention.
As my life got more and more out of control, and my father’s presence loomed over me, I found myself craving having a support system outside of my siblings, someone who didn’t have the knowledge of my old life and wanted me for me.
I was getting that with Felix and Warren. It was just the beginning of the relationship, the first dregs of friendship. But even as I settled into that thought, I realized that I wanted more than that.
The real question was, could I give them a real chance?
As I glanced at the two men driving me home, the ones who’d been by my side and hadn’t judged me for failing an interview, I wasn’t sure I could answer that question.
My dream went from peaceful to terrifying when something started pounding. It took me a few moments of waking up to realize it wasn’t in the dream, but at my door.
My eyes were barely open as I walked to the door and glanced through. Great. Easton. I’d take the other two over this asshole alpha any day.
It felt like they were doing some sort of sleep deprivation experiment at this point.
Then again it’s not their fault I don’t sleep at night very well.
When I pulled open the door, hair a mess, robe tied around me, and half-asleep eyes, he gave me a mocking smile.
“Oh, am I too early for the pampered princess.”
“Cut the ‘princess’ shit, Easton, I’m not in the mood,” I gritted out. I’d had just about enough of his open hostility. He was literally being paid to be here and couldn’t be professional. “Apartment is secure, I’m fine. Can you leave now?”
He ignored me and pushed past to get into my apartment. His footsteps were extra loud as he trudged through, checking connections on my window and door sensors along with the system. Maybe he thought I had a hangover or something but it was unnecessarily annoying.
“Why do you hate me so much?” The words slipped out without meaning to. My lack of sleep until the early hours of the morning had broken down any meager filters I had. That and Easton pushed every fucking button I had. It was like he looked into my soul, picked out my insecurities, then used them as ammo against me.
Easton froze in front of the door and met my sleepy gaze. His eyes were guarded and angry.
“Because, I’ve dealt with your type my entire life,princess. More money than they know what to do with and think the world owes them something because of it. You’ve had someone to clean up your messes and do the hard work your entire life. It’s pathetic.”
He braced himself, shoulders tensing as he glared at me, waiting for me to respond.
“Okay,” I said, my voice tired. I’d spent my entire life with other people’s perceptions of me hanging over my head. I wasn’t going to defend myself to a man who didn’t want to listen. I owed him nothing.
He blinked at me a few times until he realized I wasn’t going to engage, then he stormed out of the room.
When the door closed behind him a tear slipped out. I swiped it away with a sigh and engaged the lock and alarm system again before curling up on my couch.
My life was a mess and I was exhausted. The raccoons were back again and the sounds had me on edge all night. All I wanted was to have someone to hold me but I was too fucking stubborn to give in.