Page 68 of Knot Your Ex
“This is not the end of this. When you’re done with your hormonal hissy fit, I’ll be in touch,” he said as he turned and stalked out of the door. Each step was stiff and forced, like his body had turned to stone during the confrontation.
When the door closed behind him and the elevator dinged down the hall she let out a soft sob before crumbling. My arm around her was the only thing holding her up and I didn’t hesitate to scoop her up and carry her to the couch, settling her on my lap and wrapping my arms around her while she cried.
Easton was wrong. This omega had endured hell and still held onto her sanity and charm. She was strong, capable, and had so much more to offer than he assumed.
“What did the alpha do to you, Tori?” I asked as evenly as I could. “Did you tell us everything?”
Knowing this omega she’d likely glossed over the details. I wanted them all so I could end him.
“Not now,” she pleaded as she clung to me, her breathless, hiccupping cries taking back over.
She was right, now wasn’t the time to push.
Though, if she thought I was going to let this go, she was mistaken.
When her sobs subsided into soft sniffles I ran my nose over her neck, hoping if I scent-marked her it would help soothe her jagged edges. It was as if that man waltzed in and kicked the ground out from under her.
She was free-falling and I wasn’t about to let her spiral. I wanted to see the omega who faced off with Easton and who stared around at a broken inn like it held the answers to life.
This wasn’t Tori.
At least not anymore.
“Go get dressed, we’re going out,” I told her. “I’ll wait, so take your time. Nice dress, makeup, find your confidence, love.”
She stilled at the words, or maybe the term of endearment, before slowly nodding her head and climbing to her feet. She started to walk away before turning and putting a soft kiss on my cheek.
“Thank you, Jordan,” she said in a hoarse whisper that cut me right to my soul. When the shower was running I pulled out my phone and let the others know my plan.
Jordan: I’m taking Tori out tonight
Easton: What. Where?
Jordan: On a date
Easton: What the fuck
Theo: Treat her nice. She deserves it.
Jordan: I plan to.
Easton: What’s with the change of heart? You hate that princess bullshit as much as I do.
Jordan: I haven’t thought that in a while, you’re the one refusing to listen to what we are saying.
Jordan: You’re going to find yourself alone, Easton. You have to stop. All that shit you say and think about her isn’t true.
Easton: What. Changed? This isn’t simply giving her kindness. What fucking shifted.
He was right. This was deeper than I’d let it go before. This was me seeing just how strong my omega was and not wanting to give her anything less than everything she’d ever needed or wanted.
Jordan: Her father visited. It wasn’t pretty. There’s things about her and her past we don’t know. Even after all she told us at the club
Theo: Of course we don’t know because Easton decided she was the enemy. I’m still disgusted with myself for even listening.
Jordan: I am too. She is a lot more than just a pretty face and wealth
Easton: You’ve lost your fucking mind. Scent match or not, she’s a fucking spoiled rich kid. I’ve seen her type. Fate was wrong on this one.