Page 34 of Love From the Ashes
“I must have neglected to mention it.” She turned and gazed at me with the same intensity in her gray-blue eyes as she’d displayed during my interview. “I see Sofie has joined you tonight. It’s a pleasure to see you this evening.”
I swallowed and mustered a smile. “It’s nice to see you too, Ms. Morgan.” I couldn’t help feeling confused. The way she’d been watching us and the intensity in her gaze just now made me question whether she liked me. But her comment that it was a pleasure to see me was made with what sounded like sincerity. At this point, I wasn’t sure what to think.
“Reid, before I forget, you and I need to schedule some time next week to discuss your cousin Geoff. He came to see me about his trust fund, and I wanted to talk to you about it.”
“I saw him last night, and he told me he had approached you about it.”
“You saw Geoff? I must say I’m surprised. I thought you preferred to stay away from him.”
“I do, but he contacted me, saying he needed to talk to me in person and insisting we meet at a club last night. I ended up leaving right after he broached the subject of his trust fund. His behavior was unpleasant as usual.”
Ms. Morgan looked disappointed, a frown taking over her normally unreadable expression. “I’d hoped he’d mature one of these days and adopt a more proper behavior. My sister and your uncle should have put their foot down when he was a child instead of spoiling him rotten and letting him run wild. But that’s a subject for another time. Oh, there is one more item I want to mention before I run back to join Maddie. I’ll need to know by the middle of next month whether or not you plan to join me in September for the opening night gala at Symphony Hall. I’ve already bought your ticket, and Maddie has an extra one since Harold won’t be able to join her this year, so if you want one or both tickets, I’ll need to know. Otherwise, we’ll let someone else buy them since the event will sell out.”
“I’d forgotten about that with everything going on lately. I’ll think about it and let you know.” Reid turned to me, his arm slipping around my waist. “I usually go with my mother to the annual event at Symphony Hall. We can talk later, but I’d like you to join me.”
“That would be wonderful if you both attended,” Ms. Morgan said, maintaining her reserved expression, although I could swear I saw a hint of a smile. “Well, I better get back to Maddie. The curtain will be going up in a few minutes.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon so we can discuss Geoff,” Reid said.
“That’ll work. I’m not aware of anything going on tomorrow. Sofie, I’m sure I’ll see you later.” Ms. Morgan tipped her head at me and smiled at Reid.
“Good night,” I said, my voice low. I was still unsure whether Reid’s mother liked me or hated me. Either way, their conversation had been enlightening, confirming that I was right and Della was wrong. Reid wasn’t the player Della made him out to be with his presence at the club last night solely because of a request from his cousin, who happened to be the sleazebag at the corner table. It seemed Reid was just as disgusted with his cousin’s behavior as we had been. That wasn’t the reaction you’d get from a man who pursued multiple women just for a piece of ass.
Reid led us back to our seats, the curtain going up shortly after. I was as engaged with the second half of the play as I’d been with the first. The singing, acting, and plot were attention-grabbing and entertaining, with Reid seeming to get as much enjoyment from my reactions as he did from the play. The performance finished, and Reid whisked me from the venue, Lawrence already waiting for us at the curb. After getting situated in the back seat of his Mercedes, Reid directed his attention to Lawrence.
“You can take me home. That’ll be it for the evening.” Reid slipped his arm around my shoulder and gave me one of his devilish grins. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like you to stay with me tonight.”
“I, umm…wasn’t sure what your intention was for the evening. I didn’t pack anything, so I’m not prepared.” I wanted to kick myself as soon as I commented. I had hoped our evening wouldn’t end after the show, and now that I’d opened my mouth, it probably would.
“You didn’t have anything with you last night, and it didn’t seem to be a problem. But if you’re more comfortable going home, I can have Lawrence drop you off.” He turned his attention back to Lawrence. “Change of plans. You can take Sofie home instead.”
“Yes, sir,” Lawrence said, glancing at Reid in the rearview mirror.
I felt my body sink into the upholstery. My excitement and sexual tension, which had grown when Reid had told Lawrence to take him home, were now disintegrating.
Reid laughed, his amusement becoming visible when Lawrence drove under a streetlight. “You look disappointed. Was there something you wanted tonight?”
I shot him an irritated look, my lips tightly closed. I wasn’t about to tell him I’d gotten aroused and needed to go home and take a cold shower.
Reid leaned close to my ear. “I packed an overnight bag. It’s in the trunk.”
I stared at him, dumbfounded. “You’re okay with staying at my apartment? It’s not nearly as nice as your place. Are you sure it’s all right?” My tone was questioning. I had a hard time believing I’d heard him right.
“It’s fine. I don’t care where we stay as long as I’m with you.” Reid kissed me, his hand massaging my thigh. When he pulled away from me, the humor was gone, his expression replaced by something I couldn’t identify.
I snuggled against him, an intoxicating feeling of happiness filling me. Suddenly confused, I lifted my head and peeked at him. I’d never had this feeling before, and I wasn’t sure what was happening.
“I feel better,”Reid said. He was coming from my bathroom completely naked, his hair damp from the shower. He dipped to his knees at the end of my air mattress and crawled to my pillow.
“I’m sorry my television isn’t bigger, but it’s all I have.” I motioned toward the small piece of equipment sitting on a crate, a sitcom playing on its screen, casting shards of light across my bed.
“It’s not the television that interests me. It’s you.” He leaned over me, with his hands pressed against the air mattress, one on each side of my shoulder. He had the same expression on his face as the one in the car, the one I couldn’t place. He slowly leaned down to kiss me while his eyes studied my face.
I closed my eyes when his lips touched mine. They were soft and gentle, his breath minty from my mouthwash, his body smelling like lavender.
He lay beside me, placing little kisses on my lips, his tongue tasting and teasing as his hands slowly explored my body.