Page 62 of Love From the Ashes
“You know I love you.”
“I’m serious. I need you to say it.”
“All right, I’ll say it. Sofie Fletcher, I love you more than anything on this earth. I want you as my wife, and I can’t wait for you to quit driving me crazy and pick a wedding date. How’s that?”
“You could have done without the picking a wedding date part, but it works.”
“Then pick a date, so I don’t have to keep mentioning it. I’d marry you tomorrow if you’d let me.”
“Valentine’s Day. That way, you’ll never forget our anniversary.” I slid my hand across his chest while I listened to his heartbeat.
“Are you joking or being serious? That’s two weeks away.”
“I’m serious. You said you’d marry me tomorrow if you could.”
Reid tipped my chin up and kissed me. He smiled when he pulled away. “Valentine’s Day it’ll be. We can have a small, intimate civil ceremony and follow it up with something bigger if you like.”
“There’s no need for anything big. I prefer something small and simple with your mother and our close friends anyway.”
“That should be fairly easy to arrange.”
“Good. The point should be about marrying each other, not trying to put on a huge show.”
“Ahh, once again, you’re being practical. I like that.”
“I’m glad you do.” I kissed his chest, desperately hoping there would be no catastrophe between now and then.
Unexpected Guests
I’d been sowrapped up in my thoughts while Lawrence drove us home from work, it took me a few seconds to realize Reid had asked me a question. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“I was asking when your next doctor appointment was.”
“It’s on Wednesday of next week. It’s a ten o’clock appointment.”
“I’ll put it on my calendar so I don’t forget.”
“Thank you.” I turned away, staring out the car window. Although I saw everything along the street as we passed, I paid no attention. I couldn’t get Nick off my mind. It had been three days since the disturbing incidents with him at the restaurant and in the mall. I’d expected to see him lurking around the courtyard at lunch yesterday or today as his way of putting pressure on me to give him an answer. But as far as I could tell, he was nowhere around, although I was sure he’d show up eventually since I hadn’t contacted him at the motel. The question was when.
Nick was a vile man, an expert at getting close to people and then sucking the life out of them as he took everything they had. He’d done his best to ruin my life and destroy Dean’s. It had started with Nick demanding that Dean steal merchandise from the store where we worked, threatening to turn him over to the authorities for having sex with a minor if he refused. The minor was me since I was fifteen. Dean was naive and scared and did what Nick told him. Then Nick wanted more. The thefts increased until the volume was significant, and the company took notice. That was when Dean stashed the digital camera in my locker, hoping no one would look there. Dean got fired, and so did I, and we had to move. Nick demanded Dean steal again from his next employer, only now there was more ammunition. Nick threatened to tell the company that Dean had lied about being fired on his job application.
Nick got Dean involved with gambling shortly after that, encouraging Dean to spend what little money we had. When the funds dried up, Nick loaned him more. Pretty soon, Nick owned him, and Dean became so distraught his drinking worsened. Nick’s vicious manipulation continued until Dean no longer resembled the man I’d initially met. By the time we’d gotten away from my mother and Nick, the vices instilled in Dean had grown into full-blown addictions. Our marriage and Dean’s mental health deteriorated until they were in shambles.
I still couldn’t shake my guilt, knowing Dean might be alive today had he never met me. Cringing in emotional agony at what I’d inadvertently done, I stared down at the floorboards. Nick planned to do it again, except this time, Reid was his target. I swore to myself as I sat there that no matter what it took, I wouldn’t let Nick get his hands on Reid. That meant I had to tell Reid what was happening, and I needed to do it before it was too late.
Lawrence stopped in front of the house, snapping me from my thoughts. Reid helped me from the back seat, and then he and I went inside while Lawrence parked the car.
“Grace just left. She made shepherd’s pie and a salad for your dinner. It’s ready in the dining room,” Anderson said, meeting us at the front door and taking our coats.
Reid and I went into the dining room across the foyer from the parlor. Grace was Reid’s longtime housekeeper and cook, and part of her job entailed making us breakfast and dinner during the workweek. She’d put two place settings on the table, along with a casserole dish of shepherd’s pie, a salad, and a pitcher of unsweetened iced tea.
“Do you want a lot or a little of the shepherd’s pie?” Reid said, taking a seat at the table and picking up my plate and the serving spoon.
“A lot, please. I’m hungry.” I sat in my chair and poured us glasses of tea.
“Is this all right?” Reid set my plate down in front of me.