Page 71 of Love From the Ashes
“One guy was maybe in his midthirties. His head was shaved on the sides, and his hair was slicked back on top. He looked like a hustler. I heard the other guy call him Nick.”
“What did the other guy look like?” Reid said, a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Oh, man, that guy was bad news. You could tell. He was much older, with a shaved head and several tattoos on his forehead and face. There was a big scar on his cheek. He scared Paul half to death when he threatened him.”
“Do you know where they went?”
“Yeah, dumbass Paul told them Sofie was at work. He said they could find her at the retail pharmacy on Washington and Southern.”
“Thanks,” Reid called over his shoulder as he turned to run back to his car.
“Sofie’s not there,” the woman called out to him.
Reid stopped and turned back around. “What do you mean she’s not there? Where is she?”
“Sofie’s barely getting any hours at the pharmacy, so she took a second job at the market by the Target store up the street. She’s there right now.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help,” Reid said before racing up the street.
Reaching the market, Reid rushed through the sliding glass doors and abruptly stopped, his eyes darting back and forth across the front checkout lanes. He didn’t see Sofie anywhere. He ran down the line of checkout stands, peering down each grocery aisle as he passed it, skidding to a stop halfway across the store.
Sofie was placing a can on one of the shelves and paused, her eyes locking with Reid’s. The commotion he’d caused when he’d bumped into a customer and her grocery cart had caused Sofie to look in his direction. She backed away down the aisle.
“Sofie, stop! They’re behind you. Run to me, now!”
Sofie looked over her shoulder and shrieked. She hurled the can of stewed tomatoes in her hand at Denny and bolted toward Reid.
Denny fell to the floor, hit in the forehead by the can. Nick rushed up the aisle after Sofie.
Reid grabbed her and pushed her toward the checkout stands. “Run and hide. I’ll hold them off as best I can. Go!” he shouted.
Sofie sprinted toward the front of the store.
Reid rushed toward Nick, the two of them instantly scuffling. Denny got up from the floor and staggered past them, heading toward the exit.
Reid and Nick continued to fight, knocking each other into the shelving and throwing blows. Reid landed a solid punch, sending Nick tumbling into a small display. Then he ran toward the exit. He had to stop Denny.
Reid reached the sidewalk, suddenly hearing a car’s tires squealing on the street, a woman’s scream following the sound. He ran toward the commotion, spotting a group of people gathering around a body lying partially underneath the front end of a car. Panicked and gasping for air, Reid stumbled through the crowd. “No, no, no,” he cried as he neared the body. He looked down as a man checked the person’s pulse and then shook his head.
It was Denny.
Relieved, Reid scanned the crowd of people standing there gawking. He had to find Sofie before Nick got to her. He spun in a circle, unsure which way to go. He’d told her to hide.But where?
A police cruiser pulled up, followed by a second one and then a third. Reid saw Keith leading Nick to one of the patrol cars, his hands behind his back in cuffs.
Reid stepped back from the crowd and frantically scanned both sides of the street. He spotted Sofie on her knees against the wall of the gas station on the corner, her arms wrapped around her body as she rocked back and forth. Reid rushed to her and knelt on the concrete.
“Sofie?” he said softly.
She didn’t seem to hear him and stared at the ground, a blank look on her face as she continued to rock.
Reid reached out and gently took hold of her upper arms. “Sofie, it’s Reid. You’re safe now. I’ve come to take you home.”
Sofie lifted her head, appearing to recognize Reid. She collapsed in his arms and sobbed.
“Shh, it’s all right. You’re safe. Everything is going to be okay. Denny can never hurt you again.” Reid held her as tight as he could without hurting her. He didn’t want to let go.
Sofie tilted her head up and looked at Reid, tears streaming down her cheeks as she whispered, “I want to go home.”