Page 14 of Fighting Temptation
There’s no use beating around the bush. It’s probably still a good idea not to be around Theo, but I don’t want to have sex with Eric. Dots appear letting me know he’s writing something back.
Eric:That’s fine. Meet at my place around 6?
I text back a thumbs-up emoji and look at my computer again. It’s three pm now, and Theo is still missing. I can’t blame him for wanting to avoid me after this morning. Still, it’s not like we can avoid each other altogether. Not while sleeping in the same room. It’s almost a shame Eric doesn’t want to meet up tonight. Maybe he’d let me crash on his couch and avoid Theo.
Theo shows up just as we sit down for dinner. He glances at the table, meeting his father’s eyes before he looks down at his clothes. That’s when I notice the yellow rubber duck picture on his shirt. I can’t fully hold back my laugh. The uniform looks completely out of place. Theo must be desperate for a job if he’s working at a car wash.
Theo looks at me as I cover my mouth. His green eyes light up, but just as I think he’s gonna make some snide remark, he turns toward the stairs. “I’m gonna change,” he calls out as he walks away. “I’ll be down in a minute.”
No one talks as we wait for Theo. He’s dressed in a plain green T-shirt and jeans when he comes back. Theo takes his chair across the table from me. “Does this mean you got a job?” Ben asks.
“Yup,” Theo pops the p of the word as he helps himself to the food, loading up his plate. “I know it’s not much.”
“Everyone has to start somewhere,” Ben says with a shrug. He seems more excited by Theo’s job than Theo.
I can’t stop myself from sneaking glances at Theo during dinner. I keep hoping to find him looking at me, but he doesn’t meet my eyes. When I finish eating, he’s still scooting his food around with his fork. “Dinner was great, thanks Mom,” I say as I stand up and take my plate into the kitchen. My eyes land on the unmade bed as I walk into Theo’s room. He didn’t bother cleaning up after this morning, but I’m not looking forward to sleeping on his jizz soaked sheets.
I’m stripping the bed as the door opens. “What are you doing?” Theo asks.
“What’s it look like I’m doing? Getting the bed ready so I have somewhere to sleep tonight. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like sleeping in crusty sheets.”
Theo’s cheeks go red, but I’m not sure if he’s embarrassed or pissed. “I’m not sleeping on the floor,” he says.
“No one’s making you, but I’m sleeping on the bed. I won the race.” I turn around to get a better look at Theo and my hand goes to my hip.
“The bet didn’t includethat.”Theo’s hand gestures to the dirty sheet I tossed on the floor.
“Friday.” I bite my lip to keep from saying something worse. “Mom said I should be back in my room by this weekend. After that, I’m out of your hair. In the meantime, I think we can share the bed. It’s big enough for both of us and for the record, I didn’t startthat.Your underwear were already around your thighs by the time I woke up.”
“I was asleep.” Theo’s voice gets harsher, but he doesn’t get louder. “You were the one who offered to …”
“To …” I wave my hand, motioning for him to continue. “You can say it, you know. I got you to say it this morning. It’s not like I did anything you didn’t want.”
Theo crosses his arms over his chest and clenches his eyes shut. “That’s not happening again,” he mutters.
“Whatever, but I’m not sleeping on the floor either. We can share the bed for a couple of days. You got a clean set of sheets, or do I need to grab some from my room?” I’mhoping Theo will drop it and move on with the change of subject, but his eyes are glued to the now bare bed. “Alright, pink satin sheets it is.”
“I have other sheets,” Theo mutters. He turns to his dresser, opening one of the drawers.
It’s almost too easy to mess with him. Still, I don’t say anything as Theo pulls out a boring dark green cotton set of sheets. It’s an exact duplicate of the sheets I just pulled off. He helps me dress the bed again and when it’s all said and done, I take a seat at the head of the bed. Theo avoids me, sitting at his desk and staring at his phone.
As it gets darker, we stay in our spots, but we can’t keep this up all night. Theo can’t be planning to sleep in the desk chair. I stand up from the bed and turn my back to Theo as I pull off my shirt. I know it’s a bad idea, but part of me wants to get a reaction out of Theo. If I’m not staring at him as he watches me undress, he’s more likely tosneaka glance. My hands go to my pants next. I undo my jeans, pushing the fabric over my ass. Then I hear Theo’s sharp intake of breath. I bite my lip to hold back a laugh. He probably wasn’t expecting to see my bare ass framed by the straps of my rainbow jock. I almost wish I hadn’t turned around so I could seehis face right now.
“You mind turning off the light? I’m going to bed,” I tell him as I slip under the covers in just the jock strap. I’m playing with fire right now and I know it. But it doesn’t mean I’m any less turned on.
It takes a moment before the room goes dark. I can see the glow of light from Theo’s phone, but it looks like he’s still standing in the middle of the room debating what to do. He sets his phone on the bedside table, then I hear him kick off his shoes and pants. “I’m not gay,” he says softly as he lies down next to me.
This time I can’t hold back my laugh. “I’m notgayeither,” I answer back.
I can feel Theo glaring at me in the dark, but he doesn’t say anything.
“I’m bi. You know there are other options than just gay or straight, and letting me jerk you off doesn’t make you—” Theo covers my mouth with his hand, cutting me off.
“Can you just shut up?” Theo’s words say one thing, but it’s impossible to miss the erection poking my thigh.
I should ignore it. I should be the bigger person.
Instead, I lick his hand, and Theo pulls away. “Make me.”