Page 16 of Fighting Temptation
I clench my jaw, but my dick gives a small twitch. Traitorous jerk. “You wish,” I mutter.
Cy shrugs, pulling out their wallet. “Whatever, just do the gold level wash.” They hold out a twenty-dollar bill in my direction.
I grab it, reaching into the pouch at my waist to get change. Cy grabs my wrist as I hand back the extra. They take a bill and tuck it into the waistband, holding up my apron pouch. “That’s for you,” they say with a wink.
“Thanks,” I pull back, trying to play nice while I’m at work, but Cy is getting on my last nerve.
“Oh, and Teddy, don’t forget the wax. I want it to shine.” The mocking way Cy calls meTeddyusually bugs the shit out of me, but the last time they called me that we were naked. It’s harder to be annoyed about the nickname when I can still remember how Cy’s voice sounded as they teased me before sucking me off. My cock throbs, getting harder in my pants, but I do my best to ignore it.
Cy rolls up their window, and I direct them onto the track for the car wash. My fingers jab at the buttons, hitting them harder than necessary. The license plate of Cy’s car catches my eye as it disappears into the car wash. The plate reads ‘IEATA55.’ How did that plate ever get approved? I don’t even want to know.
“Everything good here?” My coworker pops his head around the corner from the building office.
“Yeah, uh, can I take a quick break? I need to grab a drink. It’s hot out here.” The excuse isn’t a total lie, but I need a moment after dealing with Cypress. I don’t know why they came to this car wash other than to fuck with me. Missionfuckingaccomplished.
“Sure, there’s a vending machine inside. I’ll switch off with you.” Ryan walks out to where I am, and I say a quick thanks as I duck in the building.
The vending machine is easy to find, and I really do need something to drink. I mull over my choices before pulling out the five Cy tipped me and sliding it into the machine. That’s when my phone chimes. I probably shouldn’t be checking my notifications at work, but I’m honestly not that attached to the job. I pull out my phone as I take a drink and see there’s a new text message.
Cy:BTW, I’ll be out late tonight. Hanging out with a friend. Don’t wait up.
I don’t even realize my hand strikes out until it hits the glass of the vending machine with a heavy thump. My hand is throbbing, but I have a bigger issue. My boss is looking right at me, and he looks pissed.
“Theo,” he calls out my name.Fuck,I’m in trouble now.
“Sorry, it uh, ate my change.” I stumble for an excuse. “It won’t happen again.”
“Make sure it doesn’t. I can’t have that kind of behavior here. Now get back to work.”
I nod and get outside again, taking my drink with me. Ryan is still there waiting for me, but my mind is stuck on Cy. It’s like they sent the message just to tell me they’re hooking up with someone else.
I know I have no right to be jealous. It’s not like we’re in any sort of relationship. Hell, we haven’t talked about any of this bullshit, and it’s probably best for both of us if it stops now. Cy is my stepsibling. I shouldn’t care if they’re sleeping around. So, why does it bother me? The thought of Cy on their knees for someone else has me gritting my teeth for the rest of my shift.
Chapter Ten
Riling Theo up was fun, but maybe I shouldn’t have texted him about meeting up with Eric. I didn’t drop any names, but I don’t think the two of them have made up since the whole incident. I intentionally meant for my text to make it seem like I was hooking up tonight. Nothing is happening with Eric anymore, but Theo doesn’t know that. Which is probably for the best, because whatever is going on between me and Theo only complicates things.
The truth of the matter is, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m in over my head, and I don’t know what the endgame is with Theo. Sex with him is thrilling and dangerous, but it’s a bad idea. Not only because we don’t get along, but we’re stepsiblings. This thing doesn’t have a happy ending.
I pull my car into the parking lot behind Eric’s building. He lives in an apartment complex that’s been renovated from an older building. I head inside and climb the stairs to his floor before I get to his flat. My hand raps on the door and within minutes, it opens. Eric stands there, giving me a quick glance over before he opens the door wider. “Wasn’t sure you were going to show,” he says.
“It’s better than being stuck at home with Theo,” I complain with a shrug. “There was a busted pipe that messed up my room, which means we’ve been rooming together for the past week and a half.” I toss myself on Eric’s couch, making myself at home.
“You’re rooming with Theo?” he asks, one of his eyebrows lifting in confusion. “That must be awkward. He still won’t even talk to me after he walked in on us.”
I bite my lip, thinking about how to answer that. Theo and I aren’t reallytalking,either. “It’s whatever,” I shrug. “We mostly ignore each other. I’ll be back in my room tomorrow.”
“Well, at least there’s that,” Eric says. He walks closer to where I’m sitting on the couch but stays standing. “You want a drink or anything? Beer?”
I guess one beer won’t hurt. I’ll be here long enough to sober up before I drive home. “Sure.”
Eric heads for the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers for us before he returns to the living room. He sits down on the couch next to me and hands me a bottle of beer. “How’s training going? You have any fights coming up soon?”
“Training is good. I’m struggling to keep up with my schoolwork without being able to hide out in my room, though. There’s still a few months before my next competition. What about you? How’s work?”
“It’s work,” Eric says with a laugh. “It’s not fun, but it pays the bills.”