Page 21 of Fighting Temptation
I can read between the lines. Cy wasn’t the one starting shit when we first met. I never really tried to get to know them. “We could try to get to know each other now,” I offer. Cy glances at me but doesn’t answer. “I know you do MMA, but you’re taking classes too, right? What’s your major?”
“Environmental Science,” they answer.
“What? How does that work? I don’t know what that means,” I admit.
“Studying the environment. Like ways to preserve nature, help the earth, that kind of thing. Ideally, I’d like to be a park ranger or maybe a naturalist.”
“A naturist? Isn’t that just a fancy word for being a nudist?” The joke leaves my lips without much of a thought.
“You ass. I get it. You wish you looked as good naked as I do,” they taunt.
I laugh, but don’t bother to answer.
“Remind me, what did you major in? Car washing? Or was it cleaning in general? I hear they’re looking for a new janitor at the gym I go to.” Cy’s smirking at me. Their game paused as they focus on our conversation.
“Ha, ha, very funny. I got my degree in business with a minor in accounting.”
“You behind a desk crunching numbers all day? I don’t see it,” Cy says.
“Oh yeah? What do you see me doing?” I ask.
Cy meets my eyes before they look at my lips. It’s at this moment I realize how close we are. I must have scooted closer as we were talking, not realizing it. My face is right in front of theirs. Cy licks their lower lip, and my eyes trace the movement of their tongue. I’m not sure who closes the gap, but our lips touch. Then my phone rings. Cy pulls back with a forced laugh, “Go ahead answer it.”
I pull my phone out of my pocket and bite my lip when I see who’s calling. I’ve been avoiding Mom’s calls for the most part since I’ve been messing around with Cy. Occasionally I’ll answer and make some excuse to end the call in a hurry. With Cy’s glance at my phone, I know I can’tignore this call. They would think it was weird if I didn’t answer.
“Hey Mom,” I say as I pick up the call.
“Theodore, I was starting to think you lost your phone or something. Is everything fine?” She sounds almost concerned, but before I can answer, she carries on. “I called your father, and he assured me that the issue with your stepbrother’s room has been taken care of.”
“Yeah, Cypress’s room is all fixed. I’m sorry I haven’t answered. I’ve just been busy. I got a job and the hours have been all over the place.”
“You got a job? That’s great. Where are you working?” she asks.
“It’s a carwash,” I answer. I know it won’t be up to her standards, but it doesn’t lessen the blow of her next words.
“A carwash? You’re doing accounting for a carwash?” Her voice pitches higher, and I grind my teeth. Cy places their hand on my thigh and looks at me with a reassuring smile. I don’t think they can hear Mom, but they’re clearly picking up on my uneasiness.
“No. Actually, I’m just a regular employee there. It’s a decent job though—”
“Theodore, I didn’t pay for you to go to college to wash cars,” she cuts me off.
“I know, Mom. It’s not a big deal though, I’m just working there for now. I’ll switch to a better job later.”
“I said you should have stayed here. My friend Lauren has a brother that works in accounting. I could get you in there,” she tells me. “I don’t understand why you had to go back to your father’s house. Plus, here you wouldn’t have to worry about having to be aroundthat boy.”
“Cypress,” I correct her. “And there’s nothing wrong with them.” Cy’s eyes widen and their hand tightens on my thigh.
“Theodore, that’s no way to talk to your mother. I know your father and his wife are fine in letting Cypress carry on with that delusion about his gender, but that doesn’t make it okay. It’s not right.”
“No, Mom. You’re the one who’s wrong. Cypress is nonbinary and they use they/them pronouns. It’s not okay for you to misgender them. I’m tired of your transphobic remarks.” A weight lifts from my shoulders, but the proud smile on Cy’s face makes it easier to drop the last bomb. “And by the way, when you insult Cy and other LGBTQpeople, you’re insulting me. I’m bisexual. I let you keep me from admitting it for years, but I’m tired of it.”
“Theodore,” her voice hits a higher shrill note, but I pull the phone away from my ear and hit the end call button.
“I can’t believe you just said all that,” Cy tells me. “You didn’t have to defend me.”
It hits me what I said. “I just came out to my mom.”
“You did. I’m so proud of you right now.” Cy leans in, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “I know you haven’t been with a guy, but I’m not the only reason you’re saying you’re bi, right? You’ve been interested in guys before, right?”