Page 50 of Off the Record
Her grin grew at the comment, and as she was about to respond another text flashed on her screen from Brady.
I’m hoping for nothing.
Chapter 14
Liz felt the hammock rock side to side gently, pulling her out of her catnap. Hands traced the sides of her body, and lips captured her own in a searing kiss. She groaned against Brady’s mouth, her body waking immediately. Their tongues explored each other and she wound her hands up into his thick, dark hair. She threaded her fingers through the short strands, tugging lightly. His strong hands held her face in place, and his thumb stroked her cheek. She hadn’t felt this alive since the last time he had touched her.
“Mornin’,” Brady said with a grin before pressing his lips to hers once more.
“Mmm, good morning,” she said, unable to control the giddy smile on her face.
“You chose the gold. ” He fingered the strap.
“I almost opted for nothing. ”
“We can fix that. ”
“Please do,” she murmured softly.
His hands slid under her knees and shoulders and lifted her off of the hammock with ease. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I’ve been waiting all week to get my hands on you,” he growled against her neck.
“No more waiting. ” She let the words tumble out of her mouth. No hesitation and no forethought. He made her feel so confident. It was like everything she had ever been embarrassed to say to guys, she said to Brady. He certainly seemed to like that she spoke her mind.
Brady walked them over to a chaise on the deck, setting her down and taking a seat next to her. She finally got a chance to look at him. She nearly melted where she lay. How had she gotten so lucky?
Her body responded to the pure sexuality that radiated off of the man before her. He was dressed down again today in a white cotton button-down rolled up to his elbows, and khakis with a thick brown belt at his waist. His dark hair was short and spiked a bit in the front. His brown eyes seemed to bore into her, as if he knew the deepest, darkest secrets of her soul. Then again, he was her deepest, darkest secret.
Whatever business he had been involved in before he arrived clearly hadn’t required him to be clean cut, because stubble grew in across his strong jawline. She reached up and rubbed her hands against the scruffiness.
“Yeah, I didn’t get a chance to shave this morning,” he said, gripping her hips in his hands and sliding her down flat on the chaise.
“I like it like this,” Liz told him.
“I like you like this,” he said, staring into her open blue eyes.
“How?” she asked softly. “Lying down in a bathing suit?”
“Here. With me. Lying down in nothing. ” He tugged on the string around her neck and let the straps loosen.
The top didn’t do a very good job of holding her in when it was tied, and Brady just sat and watched as the top released her breasts. He reached around with one hand and undid the back tie before unceremoniously tossing it over his shoulder and onto the wooden floor of the deck. She lay before him, completely topless in the morning light.
Despite the secluded nature of the lake house, Liz wondered briefly whether anyone could see her. She had never been topless in a public place before, not even on a beach in Europe, when she had gone with her high school friends after graduation. But the way he looked at her washed all of her worries away.
Brady smiled as he bent forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth. Her head arched back as his tongue swirled around the peak. His hand covered her other breast and massaged it demandingly. He moved to the other breast and sucked, pulled, and dragged the nipple between his teeth until she squirmed.
Her hand fumbled out in front of her to try to reach his belt. She needed to get him out of those clothes. He chuckled and pulled back but continued to circle his thumb around her now-sensitive nipple. “You’ll get your chance. ”
I hope very soon, she thought.
She was ready for her chance right now. At the very least she wanted to feel him through his shorts…get a glimpse of what she would be having.
He took her hand in his, moved it away from his belt, and then pressed it against his growing dick. Her mind spun as she felt the heat from within and the full length of him pulsing in her palm. Her fingers wrapped around him, gripping him through his shorts, and then slowly pulled up to the tip. He dragged in a deep breath as she repeated the motion.
God, I want you out of those shorts, she thought.