Page 52 of Off the Record
Way too damn long.
She crawled backward, sinking into the pillow-top mattress, and then pulled the comforter back so that she could burrow into the silky sheets. He slid into the bed next to her and turned onto his side, so they were facing each other. Their legs tangled together under the sheets. His hand ran down to her lower back, pressing her into him. Liz sighed into the embrace.
Soon their bodies heated up at such close proximity. Liz hiked her leg up over his hip, spreading her legs as he moved against her still-wet folds. She groaned at the feel of him between her already aching legs. “Brady,” she murmured, her fingers digging into his chest.
“You want me, baby?” he murmured, pushing her shoulders back into the bed and rolling over on top of her. He pushed softly against her opening, and her whole body trembled with desire. She moved her hips forward, trying to get him to move, but he withdrew.
She groaned in frustration. “I want you!” she cried, desperate to get him inside of her.
“Condom?” he all but whispered as he held himself back.
“I’m on birth control,” she told him. Any other time she might have been embarrassed talking about it, but right now was not the time. Right now she just wanted him to fuck her.
He kissed her lips as he slipped into her. Her body stilled as he filled her, and she let her eyes close. She hadn’t known it was possible for him to feel better than last time, but she had been wrong.
Brady moved in and out of her in one hard, swift motion. Liz tightened around him as the force of it rocked her.
“Fuck, your pussy is tight,” he groaned.
He repeated the motion, in and out. Harder, rougher, quicker each time, until he was slapping against her at a rapid pace. Liz was gasping at the power behind each thrust, but she couldn’t even begin to deny that it felt good. It felt really fucking good.
There were no pretenses in the way he was driving into her. They weren’t making love. They weren’t having sex. They were fucking, plain and simple. And Liz wanted nothing more than that in that moment. She wanted him to take her for his own. She wanted him to ravage her body. She wanted to forget that she was Liz Dougherty for a time and be whoever the fuck he wanted her to be, because the Liz Dougherty back in Chapel Hill would never have done this. And now it was all she wanted to do.
He leaned forward on his elbows and kept up the rhythm. “You like when I talk about your pussy?” he whispered. Her body seized at the mention of the word. She had never used it before, but it sounded sexy coming out of his mouth.
“No,” she whispered. He arched an eyebrow and slowed his movements. Her body tensed at the sudden change. She was already missing him pounding into her; she was getting close.
“Tell me again that you don’t like when I talk about how much I like your pussy,” he said.
“I don’t like it,” she repeated. She took a deep breath and let her walls fall. “I love it. ”
Brady smiled in triumph. “That’s my girl,” he whispered huskily into her ear.
He rocked back onto his knees, grabbed her hips in his hands, and pulled her up so that she was resting in the same position she had been in earlier on the chaise. Her feet were flat on the bed and her ass high in the air. He started pumping in and out of her again, and she closed her eyes. Her body was superheating already, and then his thumb started circling her clit.
She gasped and groaned as he hit double stimulation with the move, but he wouldn’t release her. Her arms went over her head and she dug into the pillows, trying to stifle her cries.
“Come for me, baby,” he demanded.
“I…can’t…” she groaned, feeling her body teetering on the edge.
“Just let go. I want you to come when my dick is inside your pussy. ”
That pushed her over. She saw stars as her body stiffened and then exploded all around him. Her orgasm sent him over the edge, and he buried himself into her one more time as they came together.
Brady collapsed onto the bed next to her. Liz waited until her breathing evened out and then rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Her cheeks were flushed and her freshly straightened hair was a hot mess. And yet none of it mattered. She felt incredible.
When she finished, she returned to the bedroom and found Brady lying flat on his back dozing off. He was truly an unbelievably good-looking man. She never wanted to erase the memory of his peaceful slumber from her mind.
He cracked an eye open and smiled. “Come here,” he said, patting the bed next to him.
She complied, rolling onto her side and snuggling into his shoulder. She breathed in and out, slowly matching her breaths to the rise and fall of his chest. His heartbeat was music in her ears, and she heard it roll down a gradual slope back to a resting beat.
“I’m going to fall back asleep if we stay here,” she murmured softly.
“It’s still early. You should rest,” he said, kissing her hair. “I’m not done with you yet. ”
She smirked into his chest, liking the sound of that. Gradually her breathing slowed and she drifted off once more, wrapped in his strong, capable arms.