Page 60 of Off the Record
“I do, and you should too,” he said.
“Whatever. I’m drunk and sick and totally fucked up right now. I don’t need to be lectured,” she said, throwing his words back at him.
“You’re mouthy when you’re drunk,” he said, the words coming off more enticing than she expected.
“I’m always mouthy,” she said, flopping back on her bed. Big mistake. The world spun.
“Do I need to come over there and find that out firsthand?”
“Yes,” she said. She wanted nothing more than to see Brady, even if she was still angry with him. “Make up for staring at me like you didn’t know me by coming over and fucking me like you do. ”
“Liz,” he said with a sigh, “are you going to be all right?” He lost the cocky tone for that briefest period of time, and the fire left her body. She felt sick to her stomach. Tears from the shock of the incident and her experience with Brady welled in her eyes, and she tried to blink them away.
“Yeah. Can I have some forewarning next time I’m not supposed to exist?” she asked weakly.
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” he responded sincerely. It was more than she ever expected. She didn’t know why, but she suspected it took a lot for someone like Brady Maxwell to apologize.
It seemed she owed him one in return. “I’m sorry I overreacted. ”
Liz stared up at the ceiling and tried to get it to stop spinning. Brady sighed into the phone, and she wondered if he was still mad at her.
“Can I see you soon?” he asked, answering her thoughts.
“Tonight?” she whispered.
He sighed like he was debating. “All right. ”
Liz broke into a smile. Tonight.
Twenty minutes later, Brady Maxwell was in her house…in her bed…stroking her hair and coaxing her to sleep. He planted kisses on her cheeks and hair and shoulders and held her close to him. It was like a dream all over again.
Chapter 16
Liz called Justin the next morning to check up on him. His parents had bailed him out of jail, but they were livid and he couldn’t really talk much. She had apologized for what had happened, especially since she had been the reason he had gotten behind the wheel, but he had said he was equally at fault. He was on the same Morehead scholarship that she was on, and she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose that, especially as an out-of-state student. She knew there were strict policies about alcohol-related infractions.
Over a week after the event, Victoria called. Liz panicked when she saw her phone buzz. She had never called Victoria back after she had ignored the call at the lake!
“Vickie,” Liz said with a smile. Victoria seriously hated the nickname Hayden had given her, and Liz liked it even more for that.
“If you call me that one more fucking time, I swear by all things holy…I will kill you,” she said pleasantly.
“I’ll take that into consideration. ”
“So, where have you been, bitch? Can’t return my calls?” Victoria asked.
“I’ve been busy, and it’s not like you’ve tried to reach out to me again. Has your postcoital bliss finally worn off?” Liz asked with a smile. She didn’t realize until then how much she missed Victoria always being around.
“Hardly. I made a slight error in judgment, that’s all. ”
Uh-oh! “A slight error in judgment? Care to elaborate?”
“I’d hate to hurt those sensitive virginal ears,” she said with a cackle.
“Oh, shove it up your ass, Vickie. ” Liz had been having nearly as much sex as Victoria typically did…soooo…
“Well, he did. That’s part of the problem. ”