Page 78 of Off the Record
Important. That was a big word. “I sure hope that surprise involves a bed. ”
Brady chuckled and shook his head. “I’m glad you had fun. How drunk are you, anyway?”
“Gone,” she whispered.
“Are you feeling up to something else? Or should I take you home?” he asked, concerned.
“At least take me to a hotel so I can sleep with you. ” She scooted over and rested her head on his shoulder. She was surprised, having not looked at anything aside from his handsome face, that she wasn’t resting on a suit. “You’re wearing a T-shirt,” she mused.
“I do own those,” he said, trying to hold in his laughter.
“You should wear them more often. ”
“Are you trying to get me out of my suit?”
“Don’t I always?” she asked with a giggle.
“I think you need some water,” Brady said, turning to the side and kissing the top of her head.
“I was going to get some, but I didn’t know how far away you were. Where are we going anyway?”
“You’ll see. Do you need me to stop?” he asked her.
“No. I’ll be okay,” she told him.
“All right. But you have to drink some water when we get there. ”
“I can do that. How far away are we?” She had no idea where they were going, and Brady didn’t seem ready to give out any clues. She just wanted to go somewhere where they could be alone. She preferred it that way; then there wouldn’t be any tension holding them back.
“Not too far. Maybe twenty to thirty minutes. Just relax. We’ll be there soon,” he told her. Liz nodded, nuzzled into his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
“Baby,” Brady whispered against her hair, “it’s time to wake up. ”
Liz fluttered her eyes open and yawned. She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep, but she had been completely out of it for the entire car ride.
They rounded a corner into a complex of brick townhomes. This was a nice area with well-groomed lawns, a gate around the entrance, and rows of clean cars. This certainly wasn’t student housing. Brady pulled into a spot in front of one of the buildings and cut the engine. Liz looked around, suddenly feeling much more sober than she had when she had first gotten into the car.
Liz looked at Brady in confusion. “Where are we?”
Brady was smiling from ear to ear. He was beyond happy at the moment, and she didn’t know why.
“I’ll show you,” Brady said, exiting the car and coming around the side to help her out.
Brady opened the door for her and she took his hand as she stood. Seemed that the car ride had helped sober her up more than she thought. She wasn’t even that wobbly on her feet. She could still use some water, though. She didn’t want to get sick later.
He slid her hand in the crook of his elbow. Liz looked down in surprise, then around the apartment complex, as if she was worried they might be watched. “Brady, is this all right?” she asked, knowing he would get what she meant.
“Right now. It’s fine. Calm down,” he said with a smile.
Liz walked with him up the stairs to the second floor of one of the buildings. Her earlier buzz had dissipated, and she didn’t like not knowing what she was getting herself into.
Brady knocked on the door twice, and they waited there for someone to answer.
A couple minutes later, the door swung inward and a tall guy with sandy brown hair answered the door. He was wearing a UNC T-shirt and khaki shorts despite the late hour. He smiled when he saw who was at the door. “Brady! Man, I thought you were never going to show!” the guy said as the two hugged each other with pats on the back.
“Sorry. Had to pick up someone along the way,” Brady told him.
Liz was thoroughly confused. Wasn’t Brady going to freak out? Who was this guy? And why was Brady allowing them to be seen together? It felt odd standing there as the two guys acted completely normal.