Page 12 of Claimed by the Wolf
“I said, enough,” Grant roared.
Oh, God. I bit my cheek hard. What would all these people say if they knew? Well, I knew one thing: I sure as sure wasn’t going to be the one to tell them.
My phone buzzed again. Thank God it was on vibrate. Annoyed, I pulled it out. Avon again. We need to talk. Right now. Call me.
What was wrong with him? The man had cheated on me, thrown me out, and now had the gall to decide he wanted to talk? Well, he could wait until the sun burned out, as far as I was concerned. I had much bigger things to worry about.
And a much hotter man, that sly voice I just couldn’t get to shut up whispered.
Unfortunately, werewolves seemed to have great hearing, because even with the phone on vibrate, everyone turned to look at me, Caro and Grant. “What’s a human doing here?” a woman near the front of the room demanded.
Grant, to his credit, looked embarrassed. It made me simultaneously want to pinch his cheeks and slap him for putting me in this super awkward situation. “She was caught in the middle of the brawl tonight,” he said at last, “and she saw us for what we are. So we have to keep her from revealing us to the humans.”
“What are we going to do with her?” someone called. I couldn’t tell who.
Mike materialized out of nowhere and put his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll take care of that, no worries.”
Grant cleared his throat. “As I was saying, I’ve received a communication from the leader of the Black Tails tonight.”
A hush spread over the room. Even I found myself leaning forward.
“He wants to meet with me tonight.”
Shouts rang out at once. “Here?”
Grant nodded. “Here. We’ve agreed to a twenty-four-hour truce.” He made eye contact with each person in the room in turn—except for me. “I need you to honor that truce. I know the Black Tails have not exactly been behaving in accordance with the old rules, but that is no reason for us to turn savage.”
The group reluctantly agreed. I didn’t blame them for not wanting to fight back if they were being attacked, but Grant was right. They needed to hear their enemies out. Maybe a parley could even be reached.
And maybe I could go home.
Mike and Caro led me out of the room. “This is such a huge mansion,” said Mike, rubbing his chin, “that we’ve decided we need to limit the number of available rooms. There are just too many to guard well. So for the moment, we’re putting you up with Mr. Beal.”
Both Caro and I whirled on him. “What?”
Mike waved irritably. “Don’t be such drama queens,” he said. “This is a matter of security. Personally, I don’t care whether you get up close and personal with the boss or not—seems you already have, after all—”
I glanced at the floor.
“But my job is to ensure his safety, and right now, that includes yours.”
I dared to raise my head just long enough to see Caro’s incredulous expression. She was clearly about to explode with questions, but she wisely kept them to herself and let Mike lead us up the stairs.
I had already forgotten just how immense this house was. Like a palace. So many rooms for just one man. It was kind of sexy in a way.
Mike went into the bedroom suite first and checked it for intruders before waving us in. “We cleared it earlier, but it never hurts to be sure,” he said.
Caro walked in first. As I followed, Mike mouthed, “Do not tell her.” Then he jabbed a finger at his belly.
“Got it,” I mouthed back. Whatever. Who was he to tell me what to do? He hadn’t even told me about the marriage ritual.
“I’ll stand guard outside,” he said loudly, shutting the door behind us.
As soon as it clicked shut, I looked at Caro. “What did they mean about humans? Aren’t you one?”
She laughed bitterly. “Not as such.”
“But your eyes!”