Page 9 of Claimed by the Wolf
Grant waved his men back. Once they were out of earshot, he looked at me. “So you had something to tell me? I don’t usually hear back from my lovers, so I assumed this was as urgent as you said.”
“So why didn’t you call back?” I exploded. “If you thought it was so urgent?”
“Because I was busy dealing with my oil business and then later because I was dealing with lupine affairs.” Grant stayed cool as an ice cube, completely unruffled. Watching him, I understood why Little Red Riding Hood could be tempted off the path. He was so—so sensual in his poise. He sounded like a man who made things happen, not a man things happened to. What could be hotter than that?
My thoughts flashed to how he’d made me come whether I’d wanted to or not, and despite the complete inappropriateness of the current situation, my pussy flooded with hot juices. I gave a mental groan. God, I wanted this man. Even now, even knowing what he was. I wanted him again and again and again.
“So are you going to tell me what you have to tell me?” he prodded, his deep voice calm. “Because while it might seem that we have all night, I really do need to get back to the bar.”
The idea of Grant Beal doing business at a dive bar made me laugh. “A werewolf Mafia?”
“Something like that.”
I sobered up. This wasn’t funny. What had I gotten myself into? “I’m pregnant,” I said.
Grant’s eyes narrowed. “Say that again.”
“I’m pregnant.” When Grant didn’t respond, I added, “By you.” I braced myself for him to blow up or panic or anything but what he actually did.
“Damn it,” he said, shaking his head. “I knew it.”
I waited for him to tell me how he knew and why he didn’t think I was making shit up. But he didn’t. “You were the only person I’ve . . . been with in months,” I made myself say, staring at my glittering black shoes. “And I guess the protection didn’t work that first time.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” he said. “I can pay for your expenses. That’s not a problem.”
“Then what is it?” He was accepting this way too easily. Something wasn’t right. I wanted to kick myself, but I couldn’t keep from asking. “Aren’t you, I don’t know, upset? How do you know I’m telling the truth?”
“Accidents happen, and I’ve certainly got enough money. As for the matter of your honesty, a simple DNA test will clear that up.”
“So what’s the problem?” Whatever it was, if it could have Grant Beal this upset, it couldn’t be a good thing. “And how can you be so cool about all this?”
“I’m not. I was until now, since I hadn’t heard from you. I was sure the condom had done its job. Apparently it didn’t.”
Okay, but that still didn’t explain what had him worried now. “So what is it?”
“That night was a month ago.” He exhaled heavily and pointed to the sky, where the round moon shone down on us. “Any other night, it wouldn’t mean anything. You probably wouldn’t even be pregnant. But because it was a full moon, there’s a good chance the baby could be a werewolf.” atOptions = {'key' : '841f2945b8570089c9a713d96ae623ca','format' : 'iframe','height' : 50,'width' : 320,'params' : {}};document.write(''); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
* * *
None of this made any sense. None of it!
A werewolf baby? In my womb? I kept bursting out into hysterical, desperate laughs when I thought about it. This was not how I had planned on having my first child. I’d wanted to be married, settled into my career as a nurse, if not a doctor, and then, when the timing was right, and we had money in place for expenses, then Avon and I would stop using raincoats in the bedroom.
But none of that mattered now. Avon was out of the picture, and in his place was a gorgeous billionaire werewolf with eyes like the Pacific Ocean.
A few feet away, Grant was whispering to his cronies while talking into his cell phone. Focusing on the size gave me something to think about instead of the situation I’d stupidly landed myself in. The phone was something big and blocky, like a Samsung. Of course he would have something like that, I thought. Grant Beal wasn’t the type to do anything halfway, and why settle for less than the best when you can afford anything at all?
Grant came back to me. “I never meant to get you into this, and for that I’m truly sorry,” he said. “But you’re going to have to stick close to me and my associates now. You’re in danger from rival packs once they find out you’re carrying my child.”
His child.
His child.
I didn’t know what to think about that. He was so hot, so unbelievably hot, but I hadn’t signed up for this. We didn’t even know each other. What did it mean, I had to stick close to him? Was I going to have full-time bodyguards?
Was I really in that much danger?
What had I gotten myself into?