Page 10 of Erotic Sex Stories
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"Mmmmm..." He kissed m? n??k and I ?tr?t?h?d t? ?x???? ?t to his ??g?r l???. H? n?bbl?d m? ??rl?b? ?nd a ?h?ll ru?h?d th?ugh me. H?? hands ??ught m? br???t? and I caressed th?m as John m?d? h?m??lf f?m?l??r w?th my b?d?.
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He turn?d me ?nt? my back and h? bur??d h?? mouth ?nt? m? ?h??t. His kisses and nibbles were wonderful ?nd th? magic ?f h?? t?ngu? ?n m? nipples sent l?ttl? waves of pleasure coursing through m? wh?l? b?d?.
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He gasped wh?n m? l?ttl? h?nd found h?? h?rd?n?d ???k ?nd I k?nd ?f enjoyed th? ??w?r th?t ?t gave me over h?m. It was l?rg?r and l?ng?r than my husbands' ?nd ?t was definitely h?rd?r th?n I was used to.
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"Oh, g?wd, Chr??t??...?h..."
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H? t??k m? a bit b? ?ur?r??? wh?n h? g?t u? ?n t?? of me. I guess th?t I h?dn't ?x???t?d ?t to h????n so ???n.
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His w?rm b?d? ?r????d m? ?nt? th? m?ttr??? as he ????d h?? weight ?nt? m?. On? h?nd kneaded m? br???t while the ?th?r h?ld th? b??k ?f m? h??d ?? ?f t? keep my l??? in position f?r his own. It w?? a k?nd ?f d?m?n?t??n ?nd I w?ll?ngl? ?urr?nd?r?d t? ?t! Here I was for th? f?r?t t?m? ?n m? l?f? b??ng loved b? a real m?n wh? n??d?d m? ?? mu?h that h? w?? t?k?ng ??ntr?l ?f m?. At th?? ???nt, I d?n't think I could have stopped him ?v?n ?f I'd w?nt?d to.
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Our b?d??? mu?t have been m?d? f?r ???h ?th?r, I th?ught. H? pushed my legs out with h?? thighs and I ???n f?lt h?? ???k ?u?h ?g??n?t m? m???t ?l?t. H? teasingly rubbed ?t over m? pussy and I felt th? heat ?n m? l??n? r??? up t? d?m?nd his b?d?. I spread m? legs further ?nd he w??t?d no t?m? accepting the ?nv?t?t??n.
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It was ?h??r heaven ?? J?hn ?tr?k?d h?m??lf ?nt? m?. H?? ???k drove deeper w?th ???h thrust as ?t f?r??d m? body t? ?tr?t?h t? allow h?m ?n. I ??uldn't b?l??v? ?t when his ???kh??d ?l?w?d u? ?g??n?t m? ??rv?x wh?r? I'd n?v?r f?lt a m?n before. H? r??t?d h?m??lf ?n??d? m? ?nd I gloried in the ??n??t??n ?f h?? ???k b??ng in m? deeper tan I h?d ?v?r f?lt a m?n ?n m?. It w?? l?k? I w?? g?v?ng him wh?t was l?ft ?f m? v?rg?n?t?. His b?ll? r??t?d h??v? ?n my ??? and th? feel ?f h?? h??r? ???k ?n my ?unt l??? tingled m? ?n such a m?g???l way.
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W?th a d??? kiss and a drilling ?f his t?ungu? ?nt? m? m?uth h? b?g?n t? stroke his t??l into me w?th an ?lm??t ?r????? sense ?f timing ?nd m?t??n. W? m?d? love l?k? th?? f?r ?nl? G?d-kn?w? h?w l?ng b?f?r? I felt a fur? rising u? from ?n??d? m?. I held him ?? t?ght ?? I could ?? I w?? wr??k?d with th? m??t exquisite ?rg??m ?f my whole l?f?! Ex??rtl?, h? fu?k?d m? d????r ?nd slower t? ?r?l?ng th? ???t??? th?t b???m? ?? intense th?t ?t w?? ?lm??t ?g?n?! I h?n??tl? d?n't r?m?mb?r if I screamed or n?t wh?l? ?nr??tur?d b? h?? m?n??tr?t??n? t? m? carnal n??d?. I th?nk I passed ?ut.
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When I ??m? t? my senses h? looked d?wn at m?,
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"How was th?t, ?w??th??rt? Did I m?k? you happy?"
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All I could d? w?? l??k ?t h?m w?th a ??ll?, almost drugged grin.
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H? k????d m? ?nd I f?lt h?m thrust ?nt? me.
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"Good. I h?d to t?k? care of my g?rl first, d?dn't I?"