Page 38 of Vegas Baby
I practically threw open the door and stepped inside, flicking the light switch in one smooth motion. Or, at least I tried to be smooth, but I was thrown through a loop when my hand hit three switches and a dialer.
I paused, looking to the side, and I was reminded of how James struggled with the lights in his suite in Vegas. The memory caught me by surprise, and I smiled to myself as I figured it out.
There. The bathroom lit up and I looked around.
“Oh geeze…” I murmured, eyes wide. The tile was blue and white, and there was a long, deep tub with a detachable showerhead. It was one of those big ones, with about a billion different spray patterns and pressure settings.
The sink was massive too, with plenty of space for toothpaste, makeup and whatever the hell else I wanted to put on there. There was also an entirely additional set of light bulbs all around the mirror, and when I turned those on, I was nearly blinded by the white light.
Wowza. I could make some real great looks with that. And now that I was actually going to have money, I would be able to resupply all of my used up or expired products.
I heard James walk to the doorway behind me, and I turned to face him with a happy expression on my face. “This place is amazing!”
“I’m glad you like it.”
“So am I,” Pamela said from behind him. “I also wanted to mention that there’s central air and heat, so you will never have to worry about being too hot or too cold. The thermostat is in the kitchen, would you like to see that as well?”
“You bet your bottom I do,” I said, sliding past James and following after Pamela once more. Once again, I was not disappointed as I stepped into the room and looked at the wonder.
Everything was chrome, so very chrome, and obviously the cleaning crew had spent a good time polishing up in preparation to show this apartment off. There was a large, double welled sink, a fridge that had one of those fancy water and ice dispenser, apparently, a garbage disposal judging by the switch right next to the sink.
I had no words. All I could do was stand there and appreciate the beauty of it all. There was even one of those overhead hangy things that I had no idea what they were called.
“So, any questions?” Pamela asked, looking pleased as punch with my reaction.
“No. I think we’re good here.” James said, stepping forward and offering me his arm again. “We have three more places to see, so we’ll be in touch tomorrow.”
“Oh…” Wow, I could hear the disappointment from where I stood. “But Mrs. Hine here seemed quite enamored-”
“I’m just that way with everything,” I said, trying to step up since I had probably given her the wrong impression. “I do absolutely love it here, but I need to see what else James went through the trouble of finding.”
“Of course! Best to make sure you’re absolutely sure.” She walked past us to the door, where she handed each of us a packet that I guessed was info that Stacy had probably already given us. “Anything else I can answer for you on the way back?”
We sank into regular conversation, and it was surprisingly unpressured considering that we were probably a huge commission for her. And just a few minutes later, we were walking out to the car and heading out to our next destination.
Man, if that was the first place, I couldn’t imagine what place number two was like.
I never knew that you could get fatigued from being impressed, but that was exactly where I was at the moment. My back hurt. My feet hurt. Even my eyes hurt. And as we slid into the car after the last appointment, I was more than ready to curl into the hotel bed that James was still generously providing to me.
“So, what are your thoughts?” James asked as we drove. “Or do you need the night to think it over.”
“Well…” I said, trying to order my thoughts. And honestly, they were a hot mess at the moment, a scramble of things I liked and things I didn’t. “I really loved that first place. I think it was about a ten-minute drive from my work and the balcony was just to die for. I can imagine having cook outs on that with my neighbors, watching the fireworks show above the arch during the fourth of July.”
“Huh, you have quite the vivid imagination with that already.”
“Yeah, I guess. But I also love the deep hot tub in the third place. The gym at the forth place and the pool were out of this world too.”
“And what about the second place?”
“I can’t remember that one. What was special about it?”