Page 25 of Cartel Kings
"No, I think at a young age, I knew he was the reason why she always cried. I saw how she looked at him at Katalia and Leo's wedding. I was her biggest secret, and he didn't call me his son until she told him."
"She loves you so much. She loves to talk about you. It's like you hung the moon, and she wants everyone to see how magnificent it is."
He grins. “She talks about me, huh."
I smile. "Yeah, she loves to talk about you. She didn't want you to move over here and is sad you're not home as much anymore, but she understands. It's how you grew up."
"I always wanted to be like my dad. When I was a little kid before I knew of him. I would imagine my father was a man that people admired. A real man with a heart of gold looking for my mother and couldn't find her because someone kidnapped her."
"You were right, you know."
"Yeah," he agrees with a smile. "He's something––he is everything I imagined and more. A King."
"And you want to be just like him."
"I do, but I know my brother was destined to be on the west side and me on the east. I'm old school but we want to legitimize things, but sometimes things aren't as easy as one may think. There will always be someone funneling drugs or guns across the border from Mexico. If it's not us where we can control it, it will be someone else that is irresponsible."
"Like the fentanyl you see on the news. That shit is dangerous."
"It is, and there are a couple of people behind it. I'll soon find out more. But that stuff doesn't concern you, eh. Handling money is safe enough. I don't agree with you touching other stuff. We have people for that, alright?"
I nod, but he doesn't understand I have a choice. My brother is not ready to run my family. There is too much risk for him right now.
There are things he doesn’t know and isn't ready for. My father needs someone to learn our side of the business.
He pulls into the parking lot. I look up and see the white sign with the sombrero on it. I turn and face him in my seat. "Mexican?"
He shrugs. "Everyone likes Mexican."
The waiteress walks up after he pushes my chair. I blush when she smiles at us. I've never had someone push my chair in before, after I take a seat. I have never been on a formal date.
Maxim is chivalrous. I remember Alina telling me that Maxim takes after his father in many ways.
"I'll have a Mexican coke," I tell her.
"Me too," he says.
She leaves, and we both scan the menu. "What do you usually eat here? You know not all Mexican restaurants are the same."
Mya's parent's Mexican restaurant is more authentic than Tex Mex. I'm surprised he didn't take me there, but it would mean we run the chance of running into our family.
Santi has texted two more times and called three times. I've ignored each one because there is nothing to say. He has a girlfriend. I understand it isn’t right to show up at his house when he is there or when she comes over. It will make Evelyn uncomfortable, and I get it. He made his choice.
We can be friends the same way I'm friends with the guys. Time heals all. I wish it didn't hurt so much.
“Themenudois good. Not as good as my tia Linda's restaurant, but I didn't want to run into the fam."
I was right.
"Thank you. I haven't told anyone yet about me coming here. I’m not ready to tell everyone. I'm sure they’re happy I'm not following your brother around like an idiot."
"You're not an idiot. I'm sorry for what I said to you the other night. I was out of line, and it was messed up. I don't know you, but I want to."
"You want to get to know me?"
"Why not."