Page 62 of Cartel Kings
"I'll go with you," Elena says in a soft voice.
I see the way he looks at her in his drunken state, and it kills me.
"How long?" I ask.
"About two weeks. This is the first time he's gone ape shit-breaking things. Elena didn't go to his game, and he walked off the field and it all went downhill from there."
"Fuck," I mumble.
"What is going on?" Elena asks looking at me.
"He's in love with Elena and found out about her and Maxim. That's what's wrong with, and he can't handle it," Xena says.
"She's a…psssychic," Santiago slurs.
The two Russian bodyguards waltz in, grabbing Santiago carrying him by each arm dragging he's feet.
"Who are theseputos?" Santiago asks, resisting.
"Come on, Elena, he needs you," I tell her.
After two days of hell trying to get Santi sober? I'm exhausted. Thank God it was Thursday, and I missed one day of school.
Santiago has been throwing up and recuperating from the hangover from hell. “How manysopas de Menudodid he eat?” I ask Maxim.
"Three, but he threw them all up. So that leaves Gatorade and water."
Maxim drove us to the beach house in Malibu. It feels like my déjà vu, and it's my thirteenth birthday. My eyes keep looking at the spot where Santi buried his black box.
"It's still there," Santi says, lying on the sand under the palm tree. His arm over his face with his eyes closed.
Maxim had to bathe him, and I had to help dress him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I say.
"You've been staring at it since we came out here," Santi says. "Why doesn't my brother enlighten you since you are so well acquainted."
"Stop being an asshole," I snap.
"You know…I thought you were smart enough to figure out the man you've been fucking is a piece…"
"Talk to her like that again, Cabron, and I will…''
"What? You will what? Kill me? Beat me up? He snorts. "I'll kick your fucking ass all over the east and in front of Elena so she can see what a pussy you really are," Santi sits and glares at Maxim. "Go ahead… I'm right here, big bro. Let's go, fool. Where are your balls?"
"Shut up. Cry baby."
"Will you two stop it? I Shout. "You sound like toddlers."
Santi's gaze swings to mine and then looks out at the ocean. The sun is on the horizon like a ball of flame. The water looks like glass.
"I love you, Elena," Santi says, and my heart squeezes. "I've always loved you."
"Santiago now is not the time to declare your love to me. We're passed this…"
"He's not lying," Maxim says quietly over the wind.
"What are you talking about, Maxim?''