Page 14 of Nanny with Benefits
After a quick detour around the park and a visit to the dry cleaners, I got back in good time. Damon’s room was surprisingly clean, and everything had its own place with one drawer for socks and a place for his watches. Alexis’s room wasn’t much different. I stepped inside her pink palace replica. Clara sat at the front of her doll collection and watched my every move. Alexis had said she wanted Clara to keep me company today.
I finished all my cleaning well before I needed to pick up Alexis from kindergarten. I spent fifteen minutes with my feet up and one more of those yummy doughnuts—which weren’t great for my hips. The fifteen minutes felt so good. A double chocolate donut and coffee was the dream, and no blob oozed onto my clothes either. That would’ve given Damon something to gawp at if it had occurred. I giggled to myself.
The fresh air blustering across the park and over the duck pond washed any thoughts of parading around half naked well and truly out of my mind. Back home, Alexis ran through the apartment doors like a bat out of hell, though a small one.
“What do you want for lunch?” I asked as I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. She turned and leaned back on my arm.
“Egg sandwiches.”
“Okay then. Egg sandwiches it is for the three of us.” Alexis looked at me and asked if her dad was home yet. I shook my head as I explained it was for Clara.
“Hmm! Has she been talking to you?”
“Not one word, but she watched me as I cleaned your room. You’re very tidy.”
Alexis rolled around and threw her arms in the air. “Yeah! I’m the best.”
Alexis dragged Clara down the stairs and sat as I prepared lunch. We shared another doughnut, and I said it was our secret and not to tell Dad. We saved him one for after dinner.
“Do you want a nap first or play?” I asked.
“We can play first. Not sleepy yet. I’ll show you all my dolls. I have tons and tons.”
Alexis introduced me to each doll she had in her collection. She also told me where she’d gotten them, and most were from work trips that Damon had made. Clara appeared to be the odd one out. I never questioned her about where Clara came from. Alexis started to yawn, which was perfect, as it was almost time for me to prepare dinner.
“Sleepy now,” she said as she climbed onto her bed and pulled Clara into her arms.
“Have a good rest.” She’d already fallen asleep before I finished.
Simple and tasty spaghetti bolognese was simmering away, and all I needed to cook was the pasta when Damon returned home.
“Hello! I’m home,” Damon shouted from the door. I glanced at the clock. He’s home early again? Alexis ran to the door and greeted him. He said she seemed full of energy, and she hugged him tightly as she told him she’d played first and had been all pooped. Then she’d napped. Dinner went down well, with my secret recipe amazing Damon. Alexis needed help with her spaghetti, and I was only too happy to oblige. I needed a distraction from his perfect eyes that still looked at me like they needed me.
“Can you stay and help get her ready for bed?” Damon asked. “I’ve got an important call I need to make.”
“Sure. It’s no problem. I’d be happy to.”
“Yay! Karly’s helping with bath time. Do you know good stories? Dada reads to me before bed.”
“I know a few,” I replied with a grin.
Damon vanished into his study while Alexis played with the bubbles in her bubble bath and got me back for the whipped cream episode. After that, Alexis sat on her bed as Damon walked in. His arm brushed against mine. Goose bumps. Yummy. I gazed into his eyes as he leaned forward and kissed Alexis on the cheek.
Once he left, Alexis closed her eyes while I told her a story, but she didn’t make it past page three. I closed the book and headed downstairs as Damon exited his office.
“Thanks for staying.” His eyes pierced my mine. I’d never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. They sparkled wildly, and the green and brown flecks took me to another place as the light caught them in their unbelievable perfection.
“It’s okay. Alexis is a dream to be with. I’m not sure where she gets it from.”
Damon’s arm brushed against me as we headed to the kitchen to finish cleaning up. I shuddered, and my legs trembled. More than goose bumps. He brushed against me again as we did dishes, which appeared to be on purpose. The taut skin on his arms sent sensations flooding through my body. I put the last dishes in the dishwasher and turned. Damon handed me a towel to dry my hands.