Page 21 of Nanny with Benefits
“Of course not. I might be a virgin, but I’m not totally ignorant.”
I swallowed my oyster and felt it run down the back of my throat.
She smiled. “To be honest, I’ve been in the same situation. You’ve been driving me pretty crazy also.”
I sipped from my wine glass and placed it back on the table. It was now or never to lay my cards on the table. “I wanted to kiss you more. In fact, I wanted the entire thing to go further. It’s just your limits,” I said, enjoying her beauty.
“I think I’m ready,” Karly replied. “Alexis goes to sleep pretty much any time I tell her.”
“You want it to go further?” I felt Karly’s foot rub up against my leg.
“Yeah. Why not?” she asked. “A nanny with benefits.”
“I’d never thought of it that way, but I like the sound of it,” I replied.
“But you’re the boss. Whatever you say is the best position or the best way to do it, then that’s the position I’ll put myself in.”
My ears heard every word she said. The cityscape was forgotten as my eyes fixed on Karly and the way she suggestively toyed with her straw.
“I think you’d better take me,” she said. “Home, I mean. It’s getting late.”
I held the door open when we reached her apartment. Karly thanked me for a beautiful evening. She turned to walk toward the entrance of her apartment, but I couldn’t let it end that way.
She stopped and turned. I stepped away from the car. “You should think it over for a couple days. This nanny with benefits thing, you should think about it instead of jumping right into it,” I said.
Karly stepped back toward me. “Okay, if you like.”
She leaned forward and placed her hands on me, flat on my chest. She pushed me against the car. I grabbed her hips, and our lips locked. Karly ran her hand over my cheek as I lifted her leg and held it against my hips. I felt my arousal growing. It was the oysters. Fuck. Our lips pushed hard against each other’s. Her tongue twirled around mine as she caressed my cheek. Her hips squirmed, and I knew she was aroused.
Karly pulled away from me and smiled. She sauntered toward her apartment and then paused to look over her shoulder. “I think it’s extremely hard.” She winked and vanished. My cock was fully erect, and she knew it.
Chapter 10
Alexis, bless her soul, wanted to spend Friday night with her nana. Not being in a position to argue, I didn’t, although it’d be hard not seeing her. If anything, Alexis brightened what could have been a mundane day. Both she and Damon raised my spirits, but in different ways. Alexis appealed to my playful side, and Damon appealed to my playful side. Could life get any better?
I’d gotten the window open. How glorious it felt. A cool breeze blew into the bedroom, the birds sang their happy song, and yesterday, I’d had a full day off.
My mind wandered. Sex. Sex with Damon.
I crossed my legs and rolled over. Now wasn’t the time to indulge in daydreaming and pleasuring myself. I plumped my pillow, rested my head back, and closed my eyes to imagine how sex would feel with Damon. I knew he was gentle and considerate.
I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow, thumping the bed a few times in frustration. It helped, although it didn’t help the situation.
I lifted my head as my cell phone vibrated. I reached over and looked at the screen. “Who’s this?” I muttered, not recognizing the number.
I hit the button and answered. “Hello?”
“Karly.” There was a slight pause. “It’s me, Keith. Can I—?”
“Didn’t I tell you never to call me?” I said.
“I wouldn’t usually call, but it’s Travis,” he replied with a croak in his voice. As soon as he mentioned Travis, my mind was alert. Keith, I found out the hard way, was a dick, and I got on better with his cousin. We’d become close and were inseparable as friends. I was his shoulder, and he was mine sometimes.
“What’s wrong with Travis?” I asked.
“I’m not sure how to say it. He’s dead.” Keith sobbed on the other end of the line. Being the compassionate type, I attempted to console him as best I could. I was absolutely shocked by the news. “Can I meet you for lunch?” he asked.
I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but Keith convinced me it was because he was upset and really needed a comforting shoulder to cry on. I never wanted to see or hear from him again, and it didn’t matter who had passed away. I felt bad for him, though, and I caved.
“Sure. I’ll meet you for lunch,” I replied, mentally kicking myself in the process. “Only as friends, though. Don’t start reading anything else into the situation.”