Page 38 of Nanny with Benefits
“I can eat them again today?” she asked, giving Karly a big hug.
“Yes, you may,” answered Karly, giving her a wide, kind smile.
Alexis sat down and waited for her bagel. It was “the yummiest breakfast she’d ever had.”
I gave Alexis the cuddles and kisses I always did before I filtered out through the door. I also gave Karly my wink. The day was young, and I had a brilliant company to run. Everything was rosy in my life, except for not being able to have sex with Karly whenever I felt the urge to do so. The past week had been trying in that department. We’d either been interrupted or ridiculously exhausted, not to mention our responsibility to look professional in front of Alexis.
I called my mom. I needed to take Karly out for the night again. I craved being alone with her, and our chemistry was off the charts. I had a few spare minutes before my meeting with Derek Whittaker. He was easy to deal with and would probably be running late anyway.
“Hello. Pat speaking.”
“Mom, hey!”
“Hello, Son. I was wondering when you’d call. Let me guess: Alexis missed me so much that I’m babysitting her tonight at my place!”
“I swear you’re psychic sometimes.”
“Well, I know my family, and I know you better than anyone. Where will you take her?”
I was stunned by her ever-increasing wisdom regarding future events. It was uncanny. “Um, I was thinking Stella Montega’s.”
“Oh, wow. It must be serious if you’re thinking of going there. What time do you want to drop Alexis off, sweetheart?”
“Is seven okay?”
“Of course. I’ll shower Alexis with a few teddy bears I bought online.”
“You’re my favorite mother,” I said.
“Your only mother!” she added, giving a laugh.
“Yes, that too. Okay, gotta run. I have a client.”
“Of course you do. Bye, Son.”
My mood shifted from great to awesome in a matter of seconds. Alone time with Karly was all I needed. I craved her, and I couldn’t wait to take her to the fancy restaurant. I could get a booking there anytime I wanted. That was a special perk given to me for looking after Grierson and his brother: a permanent table right at the front of the cabaret dinner show. It was always brilliant and extremely sexy. It was similar to Moulin Rouge, but with a bit more skin on show. The dancing was hot, steamy, and great for setting the mood.
The day flew by with a whirl of action, and Rhonda looked like a chicken that had lost all its feathers. I was getting a new secretary trained up to help her, and that made her believe her job was in jeopardy. My last meeting of the day was with her, and I explained she’d be getting a huge bonus for helping me out. I made her sit and wait for the accountant to place the funds in her account. It was an extra ten grand for being “the best secretary ever.” Her face lit up, and she was delighted with her bonus, honestly taken aback by my positive compliment. Her vacation time was only a month away, and she and her husband were thinking about enjoying Europe together. Now they could afford to go. She was euphoric.
I couldn’t get over how great I felt about the night that was to come. I was going to wine her, dine her, and then have my wicked way with her. I couldn’t wait to do that. Fuck, my dick was begging to be inside her again.
Watching the show was brilliant. Scantily clad women and shirtless guys made their presence known onstage. It was sexy and erotic, fueling our feelings for one another. The music was sultry and full of jazz—the seductive kind. Karly looked beautiful in the gold dress I’d bought for her. I did get the right size.
Her legs touched mine as we watched the final number, and the electricity between us was electric. I only had eyes for her. I couldn’t have cared less about the women who paraded around onstage in next to nothing.
We enjoyed oysters and caviar and a special scotch fillet steak that had the most mouth-watering flavor in the whole world. It was the sexiest, most enjoyable evening I’d had in a long while. I felt like I was going to start my own show when we returned to the penthouse. We could do it anywhere in the apartment because Alexis was staying overnight with her nana. Thank you, Mom. As the lights finally dimmed and the curtain was brought down, my eyes never left Karly’s.
We took a cab home and held hands the entire way. The cabbie could see we didn’t need any chit-chat from him while we were lost in one another. We’d taken a cab so we could spoil ourselves with a little fine wine, and we got back at ten thirty. The night was still young, and I was going to enjoy her fully, as long as she was in the mood. We could sleep in tomorrow; I knew my mom wouldn’t mind. I couldn’t wait to devour Karly when we arrived home.