Page 53 of Nanny with Benefits
I got a look from Cheryl, who was totally pissed that my live press conference had ended up helping the company. She was such a narcissistic woman, happy to fuck up anyone’s livelihood or family life just to bag a great story for herself. Now my company would get more clientele and the entire US would know my story was a fairy tale, not a dirty rotten scandal.
I headed inside and met with influential investors who’d been watching me live in the boardroom. Rhonda hadn’t wanted to let them see the news, but they’d threatened to walk if they didn’t see it. Frank Lexin and Daniel Harbinger came up to me said they’d walk if there were any more press conferences like that. Even though I’d handled myself well, they didn’t like all the publicity it was bringing. It could “fuck up” the whole company.
I did set them straight, but I also explained to them the part the media liked to play. I made mention of that because of my position and expressed the truth that I was a target, and an easy one at that. I was strong in my composure and didn’t let their scare tactics get to me. I basically told them if they liked the company, they should stay, because regardless of anything, the media would always try to bring successful people down. I went on to say the company was as rock solid as it had ever been, and the fact that Tommy Chan was on board spoke volumes.
Getting home felt like a miracle. I’d gotten through it all pretty much unscathed, and Karly had watched every word I’d said on TV. It had been broadcasted live and uninterrupted on the morning news. When I got through the door, she was dishing up dinner, and we all sat and ate together.
She seemed warmer toward me and told me I had looked great on TV. Alexis left the table early and went to play a dragon and doll game with Clara. It was something she and Riley had made up at kindergarten today.
“What you said was absolutely…beautiful,” said Karly, shocked by my honesty with the public.
“I hope you feel the same. I mean, I know you do. It’s just been a big past week and then the conference too.”
She smiled. “Yeah. Exactly.”
Karly excused herself from the table to go to the bathroom. I was eager to hear more about what she thought of the press conference.
She came back after a few minutes and looked at me a little strangely. She wasn’t the happy Karly she’d been just a few minutes before. I was confused about the change.
“You’ve got everything covered here with Alexis tonight and, um, tomorrow, right?” she asked. “I need some time to sort out my apartment a little. I haven’t been back there since it was cleaned up.”
“Yes. I can cope, no problem. Mom can have Alexis tomorrow. I’m sure she won’t mind.”
“Great. I have to run. I need to go to my place and sort a few things out. I’ll see you later, the day after tomorrow.”
Her words went through me like a blade. She was acting like a deer in headlights, stopping dramatically and then running away as fast as she possibly could. The pressure of everything must’ve been weighing down on her, but I wanted my normal Karly back, the one who was naive and shared everything with me. I knew something was up. I didn’t know how to feel, but I let her exit as though lightning were underneath her feet.
I closed the door as she hurried down the hallway and into the elevator. Had I maybe said something wrong at the press conference? Was she mad that I’d asserted myself and made headway with Keith with a restraining order? Maybe she just wasn’t completely ready for the profession of my love for her on a public platform. In hindsight, I probably should’ve done or said more to her first, but I hadn’t really had much opportunity. She’d disconnected herself because of the whirlwind of the week we’d shared.
I tried to let it go but kept mulling over thoughts about it like crazy. I wasn’t sure if I was going to get any sleep. I rang my mother, and she was happy to take Alexis in the morning. I would drop her off early so I could deal with whatever this was.
It took me two hours longer than usual to get to sleep, mostly because I kept seeing that look on Karly’s face, the worried look like she had to get away. I didn’t like that she’d felt that way, and I wanted to take it away from her. I wanted to hold her close and make her feel safe. Damn those fucking reporters and her idiotic ex. Fuck them all!