Page 33 of Protective Instinct
“Julian convinced his father that his cousins had gotten sloppy, and it was only a matter of time before the federal authorities would begin an investigation. Julian didn’t believe that you had to get your hands dirty to make money. Paper was a much easier and less lethal hiding place. Consequently, Damian and Julian asked the other partners to buy them out. That was when Fontana Properties & Development was born. Four years later, his cousins were arrested on extortion and bribery charges. Once the investigation started into Fontana Construction, it was a house of cards. The family members who weren’t indicted lost everything. Obviously, Damion and Julian, no longer being part of the original company, came out unscathed.
“There was plenty of bad blood in the family after that. Damian, who felt guilty about the downfall of his brothers and nephews who were imprisoned, insisted Julian allow their sons, Enzo and Leone, into the business. They were a few years older than Maximillian, so they started before him. Julian held the reigns until 6 months ago when he died. Maximillian was the successor, but let’s just say the two cousins weren’t happy about it. Enzo called himself Julian’s right-hand man. That side of the family has always been suspicious that Damian and Julian had something to do with the downfall of the construction company.
“My sources tell me Maximillian was a reluctant participant in the family business, forced into his role. The international company is worth billions of dollars and employs thousands of people worldwide. An inside informant thinks Maximilian only took over the helm because he was afraid Enzo and Leone, who have questionable ethics, would rape the company of its assets. To keep an eye on the legal side of things, Maximilian promoted Stephen Gallagher, a longtime trusted friend, to head the legal department. Now Maximillian is struggling to deal with the politics and the attempts by his cousins for a hostile takeover.”
“I thought he was in organized crime.”
“Not in the traditional sense. Everything stays within the Fontana family. There have been rumors for years that they have made their fortune in questionable deals. Skirting the law with legal loopholes. Moving money and business out of the country. Maybe it’s true, and maybe it’s an assumption because of the legacy of Fontana Construction. Regardless, none of the federal agencies have ever been able to make a case against them.
“On a personal front, he was married in his mid-twenties and divorced 10 years later. Amicably. The marriage produced a highly intelligent daughter, Francesca or Frankie, who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2009. She’s stationed somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. They have a good relationship, but she has never been associated with the business. He remarried 6 years ago to a New York socialite, Fatima Ethridge, who is wealthy in her own right. There is an ironclad prenup. Rumors suggest it is a marriage of convenience. No children. What else would you like to know?”
“Does everyone really call him Maximillian?”
Sam laughed. “That wasn’t the first question I would have thought you’d ask, but I can see it probably tells you a lot about the man. His father insisted he be called Maximillian. He personally hates it. It means ‘greatest’ in Latin. Julian thought ‘Max’ was too blue-collar for his son. There are stories of him firing people who called his son ‘Max.’ If Fontana allowed it now, he would lose respect, so he’s pretty much saddled with it.”
“Tomorrow, I am supposed to text Fontana with a town and address of where he is to meet me. He says he’s coming alone and denies any knowledge of the men who attacked us at the lake. If I hear him out and still decide not to work with him, he’ll back off. Should I believe him?” Bash asked.
“I don’t know the man or his motivations, but I have a hard time believing he would be speaking to you at all if he wanted you dead. His cousins may take exception to him writing a ‘tell-all book,’ especially after what happened to their family in the past. A hostile takeover seems likely based on what I’ve learned. He has nothing to gain from you that he couldn’t get from any other bestselling author … no offense.”
“None taken. My gut says he’s telling the truth. Next question … where do we meet? I’ll tell you where I am, but I don’t want you to share the information or anything we talk about with anyone else, including Gray or Alex. I’ll tell them what I want them to know. You can talk to them, just not about anything we have covered. Are we clear?”
“Is your phone secure?”
“Good. I’m on a burner. We’re in Ashville, North Carolina, in a rented apartment. As you probably know, we’re traveling on motorcycles. They aren’t practical this time of year. We will probably leave them here in storage and rent a car. I’m assuming Fontana will be flying from New York.”
“I’m looking at your options as we speak … Most of the roads out of Ashville are remote. You don’t want to get boxed back in the mountains. Charlotte is much more accessible to get in and out. It’s 130 miles from your location. Would that be too far to ride on the bikes?”
Bash checked the weather. The high was 70 degrees with no rain. His eyes meet Morgan’s in question. She nodded.
“That’s doable.”
“You need a public place to meet with an open space and a storage unit for your bikes, but keep them until you’ve met with him. They are much more maneuverable if things go south. Take an Uber to the airport and get a rental. I would send you some men to back you up, but I can’t guarantee I can get them in place by tomorrow. If you put it off for another day, I’ll bring them myself.”
Bashed glanced at Morgan, silently seeking her approval. She shook her head from side to side. “We’ll handle it ourselves,” Bash said more confidently than he felt.
“I’ll do some research and text you the best options for the storage facility and meeting place. You can take them or leave them, but let me know what you decide.”
“Any thoughts on what the bikers will do next?” Morgan asked.
“I doubt they’re going to waste time wandering through the mountains indefinitely. From what Gray told me, with your rental parked outside the cabin, they more than likely assumed you got out on foot. Caught a ride and could be anywhere by now. I’m guessing they would start at square one and go back to either Topton or Gainesville to see what they can find out about you. The fact that they think you are a man is a big plus, but they do know Morgan’s name. Until your attorney sets up an exchange and a deal for protection, stay underground. We’ll know more when Mr. Bartoli talks to Fontana. It may be safer for Ms. Skylar to come home with you, Mr. Bartoli.”
“You’ve given us a lot to think about. Thanks. We’ll talk soon. And by the way, call me “Bash,’” he said.
“And you can call me “Sam.’”
Bash fell back against the sofa, nervously running his hands through his hair. He had no idea what he was doing anymore. Morgan sat in a lounger, watching him.
“It’s a lot, isn’t it?” she said rhetorically, leaning forward with her hands on her knees. “Are you sure you want to meet this Fontana guy? I mean, you could just as easily fly back home and resume your life with a security detail.”
“That would certainly be the easiest thing to do, but Fontana has my curiosity peaked. For him to personally go to all this trouble just to talk to me seems extreme. There might be a good story there. I know it’s risky on my part, but I’ve got to hear him out.”
“Who’s been texting you every two minutes?” she asked.