Page 47 of Protective Instinct
“Don’t even think about it,” said a thin-faced, dark-skinned man wearing a black suit and mirrored shades. The bikers released their grip on their weapons.
“Look, man, we don’t want any trouble,” Asa said, trying to keep his wits about him.
“What is the Dragon Fire doing here?” the man with the gun demanded as he and the bulky, older guy who was driving eased out of the vehicle.
“None of your damn business,” Brutus shouted.
Asa shot him a scathing glare. “Back off, Brutus. I’ll handle this.”
“Don’t make me ask again,” the man holding the gun barked.
Asa decided he needed to play nice to defuse the situation. He didn’t trust Brutus not to pull out his gun and start shooting.
“Feels like we got off on the wrong foot. We’ve got no beef with you guys. I’m Asa. These are my buddies Lance, Jax, and Brutus. We’re here on family business,” Asa said with more calm than he felt.
The driver took a few steps closer to Asa. “If it’s personal, why are all of you wearing your insignia. Looks more like you’re making a statement to me. Sure as hell not trying to fly under the radar. The fact that you are in an obscure location in Georgia, 2000 miles from your home base at the same time we are, can’t be a coincidence.”
“This has nothing to do with you. I don’t even know who the hell you guys are,” Asa said, beginning to lose his patience. “I came a long way to visit my son…daughter.”
The suited men exchanged looks. Then the younger guy asked, “Wouldn’t be Morgan Skylar, would it?”
Asa narrowed his eyes. “You after my daughter?”
“Yeah. We think she can lead us to a couple of men we’re looking for,” the older guy said.
“Maybe we can help each other,” Asa said thoughtfully.
“Now, why the hell would we do that? Let’s just say we don’t have your daughter’s best interest at heart,” the driver grinned.
“Neither do I,” Asa said with a sardonic smile. “I’ve got information about her that I’m sure you don’t. She’s been a ghost her whole life, and she’s good at it. If she’s traveling with someone you’re looking for, you obviously have information I don’t have. Makes sense we should work together.”
The driver rubbed his chin and said, “Let me make a call.” A few minutes later, he disconnected his cell and looked up at Asa. “My boss has authorized me to make a deal.”
“Who’s your boss?” Asa asked.
“Not your concern,” the driver said.
“Fine. Do it without us. You wouldn’t be here if you had any ideas where to look, and I guarantee there is absolutely nothing in that apartment that will help you. Not so much as a scrap of paper. If we’re going to work together, I need to know who I’m working with. You could be the FBI for all I know,” Asa said testily.
“If you repeat this to anyone, including one of those assholes,” he said, pointing to his partners, “you are a dead man.”
Asa had a feeling this was bigger than he imagined and wasn’t sure how a kindergarten teacher had gotten mixed up in it unless she used her occupation as a cover for illegal activities. Being raised by his old man, he wouldn’t be surprised.
“No one will know,” Asa agreed.
“Enzo Fontana.”
Asa nodded, almost swallowing his tongue.
Chapter Thirty
Early the next morning, Max quickly showered and dressed. It was time to get his plan to expose the traitor in his life into motion. He drove to the center of Winston-Salem and parked on an empty side street. Using the same burner phone as the day before, he called his VP of Legal and longtime friend, Stephan Gallagher.
“Max, where the hell have you been? And why aren’t you calling from your cell? I’ve left you at least ten messages. Didn’t recognize the number. You’re lucky I picked up. I thought you were going to try to sell me an auto warranty,” he laughed.
“It’s a long story. I’ll happily share it with you over a bottle of Scotch when I get home. What was so urgent that warranted all the messages?” Max asked.
“Enzo’s up to something. He showed up at my office yesterday morning with some guy named Carter Pullman. Introduced him as the building inspector assigned to the Fontana School Revitalization Project in Harlem. Your personal baby.”