Page 52 of Protective Instinct
“Christ,” Sebastian gasped. “They’re headed straight towards Morgan.”
They began running. “Hopefully, she’ll hear them and stay out of sight,” huffed Max.
The bathhouse was at least 100 yards from their campsite. When they were within sight of the SUV parked in front of the bathhouse, they stopped.
“You think they already have her?” Sebastian whispered, as they stooped behind an evergreen.
“I’m guessing there would be a loud ruckus if they did … unless they caught her off guard,” Max said.
A figure suddenly popped up behind the SUV.
“Can you tell if that’s a man or woman?” Max whispered.
“What the hell are you doing to my car?” yelled a large man in a suit who was coming out of the men’s restroom. Max detected a Jersey accent.
When the figure turned to run, they realized it was Morgan.
“Get out here, you asshole! Some woman was messing with our vehicle!” the suited man screamed back through the restroom door.
Seconds later, another equally muscled but younger man pulling a sweater over his head burst out the door. They ran full speed after Morgan.
Sebastian jumped out in the road to follow, but Max pulled him back and covered his mouth.
“You are going to get Morgan shot. We’ll follow them and catch them by surprise. She’s heading to the RV. The door is locked. Just calm down. We’ll get her back.”
“She didn’t take her gun!” Sebastian stage-whispered with panic in his voice.
“Please trust me, Sebastian,” he pleaded.
“Let me go!” they heard Morgan scream.
“Shut your fucking mouth and tell me what you were doing to our tires,” one of the men shouted back.
Max and Sebastian moved swiftly through the trees running parallel to the road. They stopped when they reached a position with easy access to Morgan. The younger guy was standing in front of her, while the suited guy held her arms behind her back. The streetlight next to the campsite made it easier for Bash and Max to see what was happening.
“We need to wait for the right opportunity. I believe Morgan will provide that. She can see the lights are off in the RV. Flip the safety off on your gun, and don’t put your finger on the trigger and shoot yourself,” Max whispered in his ear.
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Morgan shouted.
“Then why the fuck did you run,” the suited guy barked.
“Hellllloooo,” she singsonged sarcastically. “Two strange men. One female. The middle of the night. I’m not stupid. I was trying to see if I recognized the car. Then this guy.” She moved her head in the direction of the man behind her. “Unless suits have become the new camping gear, I doubt y’all are here for the trout. So, of course, I’m going to run.”
“She’s trying to throw them off,” Sebastian said. “I’ve seen her do it before.”
“Where is your campsite?” Sweater guy stepped forward, grabbing her jaw and squeezing.
“Well, it doesn’t look like it’s working this time,” Max said under his breath. “Those guys are hardcore. When I move, you come behind me with the gun in hand. And try not to shoot me in the back.”
Morgan jerked her head and attempted to bite the man’s hand. It got her a slap across the face. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Morgan collapsed to her knees, dropping her weight, and went down as if she had been hurt. When the suit guy grabbed her under her arms and yanked her back up, Morgan threw her head back and busted the suit guy in the nose. She drew her knees upward into her body, then pushed her legs out, slamming her feet firmly into sweater guy’s chest. The momentum and shock sent him backward to the ground. Despite the blood flowing from his broken nose, the suit guy still held his grip on Morgan, but by then, Max had his .45 against the back of the man’s head.
When the guy on the ground reached inside his jeans for what Max assumed was a gun, Sebastian fired his .9 mm near the guy’s feet. Sweater guy flew back three feet and threw his hands in the air.
Max couldn’t help wondering if Bash was trying to scare him or shoot him. It didn’t matter. His choice would have been the latter.
“Let her go nice and easy,” Max demanded.
Suit guy released Morgan, and she quickly moved beside Sebastian.