Page 58 of Protective Instinct
“Only if it’s what you want too.”
“B…but why me? I’m nothing special,” she said, feeling her throat tighten.
He cupped her cheeks in his hands and stared into her eyes. “You are so wrong, Morgan. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Is there any part of you that feels…?”
Sebastian never finished his sentence. Morgan leaned in to capture his lips into a soft and gentle kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. A myriad of emotions and warmth burst through her core, confirming it felt right. Kissing him. Being in his arms. Knowing the unnamed feelings she felt were reciprocated. When they finally pulled away, Bash smiled and kissed her on the forehead. She felt her face flush.
“You set the pace, baby,” he said earnestly. “To be honest, all my relationships with women have been temporary. There was never any real connection other than sex. I’m telling you this because I want you to know this isn’t temporary for me. Do you understand?”
She nodded. “It’s not for me either.”
Suddenly, the door flew open, and Max stepped into the RV. He stopped short when he noticed their embrace. Morgan could feel her already heated face redden.
“Glad we got that settled,” Max said with a smirk.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
After a quick breakfast, they stopped by the registration office to drop off the weapons and keys belonging to two angry men. Max had done an early morning check and found them both asleep. The owner agreed to call the local police as soon as they left.
It was a magnificent morning with clear azure skies and lush mountains covered with tall evergreens and brilliant gold, burnt orange, and crimson colors from the changing leaves on the oak, birch, and hickory trees. They selected an obscure route to avoid the Baltimore and Philadelphia metro areas as they made their way northeast.
Max was shocked when Morgan told him her attackers knew they were traveling in an RV. It didn’t make sense how they had learned that information until Morgan explained his wife had reported him missing. Then it all fell into place. It appeared that Enzo and Fatima used the ruse of Max’s disappearance to utilize the national news and the public to find him. The RV salesman probably saw the report on the news and contacted the authorities.
After they stopped for gas and lunch, Bash went back into the bedroom to take a short nap. Max was glad for the opportunity to speak to Morgan alone.
“Are you still okay with the arrangements we made for the ledger? I don’t have to go to Maine with you guys. You can drop me off in Harrisburg, and I’ll drive back to Manhattan. My mother would be more than happy to go with you to pick up the ledger. I care too much about Sebastian to jeopardize our relationship over suspicions. We have enough barriers to overcome without adding to them. Gaining his trust means everything to me. I would like to have yours, too.”
“Maybe I’m the one who should leave to give y’all a chance to get to know each other,” Morgan offered, suddenly feeling like the obstacle to their bonding.
He gently put his hand on her arm. “That’s just it. The three of us seem to be the right combination.”
“You mean I’m the buffer?” she asked innocently.
“Not just that. You are a healer of sorts, natural and unpretentious. So unimpressed by either of our wealth or fame. Mine being more notorious,” he chuckled at the last part. “You speak your mind, and in turn, it inspires others to do the same. You are also a lot of fun.”
Morgan grinned. “Thanks. I think. I don’t want you to leave, Max. I’ve chosen to trust you and believe you’re willing to help me. In the same token, I’m here to support you just as I am Bash.”
“I take it you two worked things out?” Max asked, lifting one eyebrow.
“We did. He wants more in our relationship, which is hard for me to understand.”
“Why is that?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m not his type,” she said.
Max shook his head. “Why? Because you don’t have dyed-blond hair, weekly spa appointments, and a closet full of Christian Louboutin heels? Well, I married that woman. Twice. The first one being the nicer of the two. If I were twenty years younger, I’d give ten of them for one of you. You remind me of Izzy in many ways. She was a natural beauty who wore little make-up. Didn’t care about designer fashions even though she came from a wealthy family. Shopping in thrift shops to find interesting clothes was her hobby. Compassionate toward others. Authentic. Like you. My advice would be to let things develop organically, as they already have. If it’s right, you’ll know. Don’t try to label it or force expectations.”
“Male relationships are new to me.”
“Not surprising.”
By late afternoon, the weather had shifted. Gray storm clouds hung low over the mountaintops leaving only a small clear gap of green before it met the fog that covered the valley in a blanket of eerie white. Max and Bash took turns copiloting as Morgan maneuvered the narrow roads with low visibility. Once the rain began to come down in sheets, driving became a nightmare. When they arrived in Albany, New York, Morgan decided she was at her mental limit. Max found a small RV park to stop for the night.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
“Were you able to get in touch with Stephen Gallagher?” Bash asked Max.
They were talking over morning coffee while Morgan showered.