Page 14 of Impossible Treasure
“See that?”
How did this uber-tough super soldier manage such a competent life coach voice? Brylee could learn a thing or two.
“You’re doing great.” Cash’s voice was confident and strong. “Standing on terra firma.”
The view of her feet was better than the one over her shoulder. Still, she didn’t want to be here forever. “But how far do you think we’ve come?”
“At least halfway.”
“And that’sgreat?” she squeaked out. “Are you daft, mate?”
“Yep, our progress is great and I’m definitely ‘daft.’ You’re doing amazing, Brylee. You’re strong, agile, and light. We’re moving at a steady pace. We’ll be up this incline in no time. We’ll savor the view for a moment and then we’ll be claiming the million dollars. It’s just waiting for you at the top.”
“I appreciate the pep talk, but how will we get back down?” Her voice squeaked. Why hadn’t she thought of that before she’d volunteered to climb up the side of the waterfall instead of letting Cash chop their way through the forest? They’d have a trail they could use all week if needed, and she wouldn’t die screaming like a banshee.
“If the money’s there, we’ll call on the satellite phone and have them lower a basket from the helicopter. If not, we haveour packs. We’ll head a different direction, probably follow the stream. It will be easy. We’ll find more flags and explore the island.”
“What if we can’t find our camp again or we don’t get back before it gets dark?”
“Do you naturally worry at times when it won’t accomplish anything?” he asked, a definite smile in his voice.
“As a rule.”
He chuckled. “Let’s get up to the top, enjoy the view, dig for treasure, and we can plan, or worry in your case, from there.”
“While I don’t share your ruddy optimism and I’m tempted to bless your heart …” She took a deep breath. “I’ll try my best, my fine chap. It’ll be ace.”
“I’m your huckleberry, Brylee. We’ve got this. Together.”
She smiled at him using her words against her and took them as motivation. She kept climbing over thick undergrowth and rocks, using tree limbs, roots, and jutting rocks as hand holds. It was faster than hacking their way through the forest and taking a circuitous route, and if she was honest with herself, it was nothing short of a miracle that she was anything but a quivering mess right now.
The decision to climb near the waterfall would save hours, but it wouldn’t be any royal advantage if they fell to their deaths. She focused on her feet, saw ‘terra firma,’ and concentrated on one step at a time. Her hands hurt and the muscles in her forearms cramped. She didn’t even know she had muscles in her forearms.
“How far up are we now?” she asked, afraid of the answer. She didn’t look down, but she looked to the side and saw water cascading over emerald-green rock and birds circling. A mist of water from the falls made everything moist and a bit slick. It would’ve been beautiful if she wasn’t in mortal peril. She clung tighter to the root that was her current lifeline.
“I’d say three-hundred and fifty feet.”
“Is that all? What time is it?” Only fifty left to go. They would make it. Maybe.
“Two-thirteen. We’re doing great.”
“Again,thatis a matter of perspective.”
“You’ve got this.”
“Were you a cheerleader for the Chicago Bears before your Green Beret stint?” she asked, grabbing on to the next tree branch and scrambling up to the next boulder.
“Motivational speaker for the Chicago Bulls cheer squad,” he said.
She smiled, shaking her head. “That fits.”
“Then a drill sergeant.”
“Yep. I can see it all now.”
“Go, go, go, Lieutenant Auburn. Don’t you slow down; don’t you quit. You’re in my world now, little miss,” he said in a peppy cheerleader tone.
She laughed. Who could’ve guessed the incredibly tough Green Beret was so fun to be around? “I’m filled to the brim with motivation now. Thank you kindly, my hero, you hunk of a military stud, you.” She thought she was pretty hilarious, teasing about Mercedes’ line for Cash and Shawn, and putting a deep southern accent to it. Cash rewarded her with a soft chuckle.