Page 30 of Impossible Treasure
He’d never had such an incredible and appealing reason to want to live.
I choose life.
He could hear some cartoon actor saying those words in his mind.
Sadly, he couldn’t choose life and he couldn’t choose Brylee. The doctors had been very blunt that a miracle wasn’t happening for him. If only they’d found the cancer earlier. He’d had some discomfort in his abdomen, but he’d had too many wounds and pushed himself too hard physically to worry about pain or let it slow him down. Now it was too late for him.
It wasn’t too late for her.
“Brylee …” he whispered, his eyes traveling over her face, memorizing every detail, memorizing this moment. He wanted to kiss her so badly he ached.
Gritting his teeth, he prayed for strength. He should release her, get back to finding her treasure and talking easily with her and enjoying the tropical paradise and … The backpacks were sitting not too far away. Did the cameras have an angle on them? He didn’t want this moment publicized, but he also didn’t want to break it to avoid cameras or because of his own integrity … even though he should break away. He really should.
Brylee ran her hands from his back around the sides of his abdomen. He felt slightly dizzy. Nobody had ever touched himas deeply as she did—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.
She slid her hands across his chest and left tingles in her wake. At the moment it was pretty physical, and he worried that physical desire would overtake his spiritual strength. But Brylee was so pure and good and she didn’t seem to be seducing him, more showing him how deeply she cared.
She cupped his jawline, her thumbs tracing through the short hair of his beard. It was an incredible sensation. He almost closed his eyes and moaned, but he couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze from her beautiful sapphire orbs. Those twinkling duo gems were the most beautiful thing in the world to him. If he could marry her he’d buy her a sapphire ring that matched her eyes.
Marry her! He should jump to his feet and run the other direction.
Heaven didnotseem to be listening or granting him strength.
Unless somehow heaven was endorsing this. He couldn’t imagine that. Why would their merciful and loving Father above want Brylee to fall for him, only to rip him away from the earth? Leaving her bereft and alone and mourning. That was horrible, not inspiring.
“Thank you for the water fight,” she said softly, easily capturing all his attention. “I was really hot.”
He wanted to tell her how ‘hot’ she was, but it wasn’t really his style. It would make it even harder not to develop a relationship if she knew how she captivated him. She was everything he’d never seen coming.
“Why are your lips so sparkly?” he asked instead, most likely the dumbest question or response he could’ve given.
Brylee smiled and then she slowly trailed her tongue over her lower lip, making it shine even more and making him pant for air. “Cinna-mint lip gloss,” she answered, all sweet and alluring.
Brylee was sweet, but she had a hint of spice, a ‘cinnamon’ about her that fit so perfectly with his ideal redhead. She was more enticing than even Natasha Romanoff.
“I love cinnamon,” he admitted, his head dipping closer to hers. He could smell the cinnamon now and yes, there it was—a taste of fresh mint mingled with his favorite scent, favorite flavor, favorite lips.
He could almost taste that perfect combo on her luscious mouth.
His pulse raced. Breathing was becoming difficult, and thinking was near impossible.
She ran her hands along the sides of his neck, behind his head, and then up into his hair. His scalp tingled deliciously.
“I know you love cinnamon,” she said softly. “And I’m more than happy to share.”
Then she arched up and decimated the few centimeters between them.
Instantly, Cash was lost and found. He cradled her close and was lifted to the highest heights by Brylee’s impossibly delicious and perfect lips. Cinnamon swirled across his lips and through his senses—tantalizing, invigorating. He could never tire of that flavor, or of her.
After a blissfully long kiss, they pulled back, each gasping for air, still sitting in the stream. Cash wanted to push reality, responsibility, and the world away. If they simply stayed here on this island until he died, would that be extremely selfish of him? He could fish for food, and they could ask Mercedes to bring supplies once in a while in lieu of his five million dollar payment. It wasn’t too much to ask.
But it was. Too much to ask of Brylee, selfishly taking advantage of her goodness without being able to give her any kind of future. Forgetting about his own dreams that were already a reality but going to explode in a big way with those five million dollars. Helping wounded vets and giving at-risk youth a safe place to land, improve their health, and connect with a mentor at his gyms.
Those youth were right where he’d been, and he had a chance to give them hope, light, and maybe change their futures. Cash had survived because of his mom and her strong faith. He’d gotten out of his dangerous neighborhood without many scars, but he’d seen friends, acquaintances, and enemies die in gang fights, drive-by shootings, drug poisoning when the dealers mixed in substances to make more money from their batch, and straight-up overdoses. He’d heard about even more death and many wasted lives back home after he left for the military.
Brylee had her own dreams, so many people she was helping and more that she could help. She could and would protect thousands from trafficking and help refugees and immigrants on the path to a better life.
What an angel. He couldn’t waste her time and mess her up after he died, distracting her from her charitable purposes and God-given talents with a grief he knew she’d feel deeply. She was too delightful, loving, and invested in him already to not feel that grief.