Page 38 of Impossible Treasure
“Brylee’s safety is worth more than any amount of money.”
Shawn chuckled darkly. “I always knew snake eaters were saps.”
Cash never loved being a ‘snake eater’ as much as he did when a loser like Shawn taunted him. “Says the sap who couldn’t even make it through Hell Week.”
It was a low blow, but he’d done his own research since the day he met the Thor wannabe. He’d failed at becoming a SEAL. Twice.
Shawn hung up.
Cash looked at Brylee. She had transferred the kabobs out of their packaging and onto the hot griddle while he mouthed off to Shawn.
“Cripes,” he said. “I could’ve handled that a bit better. The cheek was a barmy move on my part.” He tried to imitate her cute English accent and the words she’d said the first day about her mouthing off to Shawn.
Brylee chuckled. She sobered quickly, but then she did something even better than laughing. She hurried around the grill, into his space, and threw her arms around his back. As she leaned against him, he felt about twenty feet tall and as funny as Jim Gaffigan. Brylee made him feel like her hero.
“Thank you for being so concerned about my safety, for protecting me, for everything.”
Cash kissed her forehead and simply held her. He wanted to be her everything, but he couldn’t be. At least he could be there for her right now.
It was maddening. He felt great. Could he really have such a short life span?
He cuddled Brylee close.
With as strong as she’d reacted to a minor attack like Danny and Adam’s, quoting Romeo and Juliet to boot, how could he possibly tell her all her fears were coming true and he was going to die? He’d made her promise to stay hidden earlier today. Somehow, he had to come up with a way to convince her to keep living, thriving, serving, and loving without him.
He buried his head in her hair and prayed for help.
Brylee letthe cool waterfall pound her neck and shoulders. It helped pound away the stress and horror of the last couple hours. She’d seen war movies. She’d heard horrible tales of attacks, rapes, murders, and more from refugees, but she’d never seen someone she loved be in danger and then bravely conquer the enemy. She hadn’t been joking that she couldn’t live if Cash died. It was dramatic of her, but she felt it deeply.
A hand wrapped around hers. She blinked through the water running into her eyes to peer up at Cash. His face was softer than usual as he studied her. The light from a partial moon had risen above the waterfall a few minutes ago. The light danced with the water and highlighted the angles of his handsome face. Was she insane to think his dark gaze spoke of not just concern and protection, but love?
Definitely insane, but she wouldn’t waste a moment with him. Flinging herself against him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.
The refreshing water and the dark night and the angst of all that had happened combined and accelerated into an intensekiss that melded her to Cash. They were meant to be one. Did he feel it? What was keeping them apart?
Brylee broke away and stared at him. His gaze and muscular arms and body surrounding her revealed he would protect her. This man would let nothing happen to her.
Yet he was going to let her go.
She felt that just as surely as his warm lips and tender touch.
“Let’s get some rest,” he said, not gruff but definitely not open to talking or kissing the night away.
They made their way out of the pool and back to camp. Brylee changed into dry clothes outside the camp lights, hanging her wet items on tree limbs. She’d forgotten to bring the spiced cinnamon and vanilla body wash, shampoo, and conditioner to the waterfall pool. Her scalp was getting itchy, so she put some of the conditioner in her hair and finger-combed it through. Then she rubbed the lotion into her body. It smelled fabulous. The island was humid enough she hadn’t felt dry, tight skin like she would at home without lotion, but now her skin felt silky and smelled even better. What would Cash think?
Brylee walked back toward him. He handed over a water bottle, but his gaze was sharp on her. The lotion? She used the water bottle to brush her teeth, drank some of it, and then applied her cinna-mint lip gloss. Cash was also brushing his teeth, but he gave her a longing glance when she put the lip gloss on. Her body grew warm. Could they kiss more tonight?
They stowed their toothbrushes and paste in the toiletry bag, and Cash gestured toward the tent. He shut off the camp lights. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust.
Cash took her elbow and guided her to the tent. She picked up his pillow and sleeping bag and shook them both out to make certain no spiders had crawled in.
He tilted his head and studied her as if she was a puzzle he wasn’t sure he wanted to solve.
She unzipped the tent with one hand and then told him, “Please shake your mat out and put it inside.”