Page 44 of Impossible Treasure
Cash grinned at her. He wanted to tell her he loved all of her. Instead, he plowed ahead, chopping through that jungle in what he was certain was record time. He wasn’t tired, he wasn’t thirsty, his body didn’t ache, he wasn’t hot. His whole purposewas to strengthen his theory about the flags being at angles and then get to the beach and soon be in that waterfall pool with Brylee. He couldn’t kiss her in the tent, but he could dang well kiss her in their pool.
They found another flag, right in the area he hoped it would be. No money, but another clue.
Heck no. I get two and a half more days with you.
Those words from Brylee would play through his mind until the day he died. She wanted to be with him.
Unfortunately for him, that day was closer than he wanted to think about.
Should he tell Brylee about his cancer tonight?
What good would that do besides ruin the time they had left? Romeo and Juliet. She’d be so heartbroken.
Cash pushed the worries away and chopped at the growth quicker.
Brylee finished eatinga delicious grilled chicken fajita and then they worked together to clean up dinner. Giving Cash what she hoped was an inviting smile, she pulled her toothbrush out of the supplies, squeezed a lot of paste on it, and brushed her teeth thoroughly. He followed suit. He watched her with an almost hungry expression as she applied her cinna-mint lip gloss.
Winking at him, she picked up the cinnamon and vanilla spiced shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. “This is going to smell so good,” she drawled.
Cash was in her space so quick she blinked in surprise.
“Bry,” he groaned out huskily. “I can’t resist you for one more second.”
Brylee’s entire body seemed to light up. She dropped the toiletries in the dirt, flung her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Her cinna-mint lip gloss mingled with the warm taste of his lips and his fresh breath. It was incredible.
Cash broke from the kiss, bent down and grabbed all the products. There was a twinkle in his dark eyes as he put them in her hands.
“Thank you,” she managed, still far too affected by his kiss. He swept her feet off the ground and cradled her against his chest.
“Waterfall bath?” he asked, his voice still far too husky and appealing.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Cash laughed. He easily carried her to the waterfall pool, slipping out of his flip-flops. She kicked hers off before he carried her into the cool water, both of them still in their T-shirts and pants. She didn’t care. Well, she cared a little. She would not complain about him taking that shirt off, but it was better that he didn’t as she was already flushed and hot all over, even with the cool water surrounding her.
Cash was looking at her … deeply.
“Okay,” she said, envisioning how romantic it would be to wash each other’s hair. She pulled out of his arms and received a wounded look from him. “Shampoo first, my friend. Hold these, please.” She shoved the conditioner and body wash into his hands.
He took the containers but shook his head. “You are not washing my hair with girl shampoo.”
“Oh, I’m not, am I? It’s been four days since those luscious locks of yours have been washed. What do you suggest?”
He shrugged and looked so appealing it was hard to think straight. “Find some aloe or clove plants or something halfway manly.”
“No. You’re being silly.” She opened the shampoo and held it up to her nose, taking a deep inhale. Cinnamon and vanilla spice. It was a delicious scent. Obviously expensive. What did she expect if it was a gift from Mercedes?
Cash’s gaze sharpened on her.
“Smell this.” She held it up to him. He took an inhale as well. “Scrummy, eh?”
“It smells amazing,” he admitted gruffly. “But not nearly as good as you smell.”
“Just wait until you smell it on me.” She pumped her eyebrows.