Page 56 of Impossible Treasure
She tried to interrupt, but he kept talking over her.
“I’m dying, Brylee, and this isexactlywhy I haven’t wanted to tell you.”
She gasped.
He kept going. “You’re so loving, charitable, angelic really. You think you can stay by my side and maybe I’ll have a miracle, and if not you’ll hold my hand, wipe up my puke, change my Depends, and watch me wither away to a useless lump?” His voice was rising. “No. I won’t let you see me weak and pathetic. I won’t. I’m not getting a miracle. I know I’m dying. You are going to go live your life and be beautiful and charitable and find an incredible man who won’t have to leave you.”
Again, he thought she’d get mad and push away from him, maybe even run from the tent.
Not Brylee.
She framed her face with his hands, and she said, “I willneverfind a man as incredible as you.”
His heart thumped faster. She was in love with him. He would be the luckiest man on earth.
If he could stay on earth.
“And I’m going to convince you we have to be together,” she said.
“You can’t.” He was so miserable, but he had to stay strong on this.
“Oh yes, I can. You’ve underestimated the fight in a redhead.”
He actually laughed at that. “I’m afraid I haven’t.”
“Good. See that you don’t. I’m going to show you how incredible our life together will be, and you’ll fight for that miracle, and you’ll beg me not to leave your side. Us against cancer. We’ve got this.”
“Oh, Bry.” He was sick inside. She was reacting even stronger than he’d feared. At least she hadn’t mentioned Romeo and Juliet again. He’d asked her not to pity him earlier when he should’ve been making her pledge to live a happy life.
“I’m very sorry,” she said.
“Me too. I wish I didn’t have to push you away.”
“No, not about that. I’m sorry for breaking your rules.”
With that, she kissed him. She kissed him so deeply and so thoroughly that there was no world where Cash could break away.
He returned the kiss, holding her tight and loving every second. He loved her and somehow before they got on that helicopter in the morning, he had to convince her that they couldn’t be together and make her promise to live a happy, full life.
Tending a dying man wasn’t this brilliant and charitable star’s path.
Cash needed to focus a hundred percent of his time before he got sick on getting all the gyms up and running and dealing with all the financial garbage, trusts, and whatever else he needed. This beautiful angel needed to focus on her charity and saving so many from traffickers. Sitting at his bedside while he puked was not her future.
But right now? Right now, he would savor each touch of her lips, her delicious taste and smell, and her perfect shape in his arms.
Tomorrow would come soon enough.
He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her.
But something niggled at the edge of his conscience.
The side of the tent came apart with a forceful tearing sound.
Two cocked guns were pointed at Brylee. Cash instinctively ripped her off his lap and shoved her behind him. He couldn’t see who was out there in the dark. Only the wrong end of their 1911 pistols.
“Come out nice and slow, my friends.” The voice was familiar. “I’m back for my money and my time with the gorgeous redhead.”